You can explain why Katya will be crying into her sequins all night.


Neal: You think Hagan is using Monks?
Mozzie: I think Hagan is using you.

Peter:And what kind of man would that be?
Neal: I don’t know. We were going to discuss that at our next session. Now I have to wait 20 years.

I was gathering information….


El: What do we know about this Jill?
Neal: Cause for further study….

Bearing gifts in a brown paper bag---I can only imagine.


Neal: The good ones keep you up at night.
Jill: The bad ones ever longer.

Peter Burke, VIP. We should get you a badge.


Let’s show Forsythe how the FBI handles natural selection.


Lucky for us, we know someone with a history of forging fossils.


Neal: You want the dinosaur.
Peter: Damn right I do!

She look at me the way El looks at you, and I want that.
