Who are you, my obstetrician? It's herbal tea!


Neal: You do look like a Teddy.
Mozzie: I prefer Theodore.

I will remember this the next time we fake your death.


It's not hard to lose teeth. Give me a brick and I'll show you.


He's always smiling at you right when things go sideways.


What I see is a man who is going to come out of this stronger. Peter Burke, you are going to beat this, and you're going to come home to me.


Out of the frying pan, into the firehouse.


Neal: Should have held out for a private jet.
Peter: One promotion at a time.

Impossible is what Neal Caffrey specializes in.


He suddenly has a get-away-from-handler-free card.


James: You know, you're not me, Neal.
Neal: Yeah, but you are the blue in my eyes.

You are the law, Peter. Pratt and Calloway are standing in the path of justice. Fight back.


White Collar Quotes

Burke: You look like a cartoon!
Caffrey: This is classic Rat Pack - this is Devore!
Burke: Oh, sorry, Dino.

Caffrey: How upset were the Canadians?
Peter: Oh, very... well, as upset as Canadians can get.