Dark Lord: You think a few rotten vines can hold me?
Essex Elder: Once, you were the source of Mary's power. Not anymore! Now it will be OUR power coursing through our sister. You've never understood the real meaning of sacrifice nor its power. No one may sacrifice another...only themselves.

Married on Wednesday. Bedded on Thursday. Sickened on Friday. Died on Saturday. Buried on Sunday. Every end must have its beginning, and some of us have been awaiting this beginning of the end for a very long time. And now it is here, this Sunday will at last be "Black Sunday".

Dark Lord

Dark Lord: Here's a little test for you, Mather, since you know your bible back-to-front. So tell me, whenever a human being encounters an angel in the books, what are the first words the angel always says?
Cotton: Be not afraid.
Dark Lord: Correct. And did you ever wonder why when encountering a human being an angel must immediately tell them not to be afraid? Because angels are monsters. We were then as are now: fearsome engines of wrath.

Dark Lord: And to fulfill the promise of your existence.
Mary: I do not understand.
Dark Lord: My father took on a suit of flesh, he required two Marys -- one to birth him and one to love him. But I only need one Mary. You...my mother...and my bride.

Dark Lord: I could've killed you, or wiped your memory and left you a blank state. Then you wouldn't have remembered who I am: your son.
Mary: I remember you and I hate you!
Dark Lord: Hate is just a shadow of love; where there is one, the other is sure to follow. And there is nothing more powerful than the two combined.

Dark Lord: I have killed the elemental powers within you. I have killed the witch in you and left...nothing.
The Sentinel: Nothing but a woman. Weep woman, weep. For tears are all we have left you.

The Sentinel: Is this the mighty Angel of Death? When did you EVER spare a life?
Dark Lord: This life is precious to me.
The Sentinel: Has that tiny meat suit corrupted you? The human body is a pitiful sack of blood, piss and water. I fear in your case, mostly piss.

Mary: I climbed over the black wall of sleep and crawled from my grave because I cannot deny the truth. You are my son and we belong together until the end.
Dark lord: How long I've waited for you to say those words. And I promise you, you shall be so happy.
Mary: Just being here, holding you, I already am.

Remember dear ones, to the Reaper, all flesh is grass...even witch flesh. A great terror will soon fall upon Salem and there is not a soul alive upon this dull earth who can stop me.

Dark Lord

Oliver Bell Quotes

Mary: I climbed over the black wall of sleep and crawled from my grave because I cannot deny the truth. You are my son and we belong together until the end.
Dark lord: How long I've waited for you to say those words. And I promise you, you shall be so happy.
Mary: Just being here, holding you, I already am.

Remember dear ones, to the Reaper, all flesh is grass...even witch flesh. A great terror will soon fall upon Salem and there is not a soul alive upon this dull earth who can stop me.

Dark Lord