Reporter: Why should we care more about Mars than we do our own planet?
Emma: We shouldn't. Of course, we should care about social imperatives. But in the US alone, we spend a trillion dollars each year on the military, and mostly in case the countries represented here decide to blow each other off the face of the Earth. This mission, it costs a fraction of that, as we work together, repurposing those same tools of destruction for discovery.
Kwesi: At this very moment, there's a team of astronauts on the Moon, mining polar ice caps for fuel and water.
Misha: Water that will be pumped into the hull of our ship to shield us from radiation, allowing us to travel safely from the Moon to Mars.
Emma: Reaching Mars... might prove to be the greatest achievement. Not only for science, but for the future of our planet.

RuPaul: My queen, is there anything you’d like to say?
Shea Coulee: My name is Shea Coulee and I didn’t come to slay … I came to win!

Shea Coulee: Juju, go over there and tickle the hole.
Jujubee: No!
[A face appears at the hole]
Shea Coulee: What is that? Did you see that?!
Jujubee: White girl, go first! [Pushes Miz Cracker]
Miz Cracker: Why me?
Jujubee: Have you ever seen scary movies?!

There was no campaigning. I’m confused about that. There was no campaigning!

Mayhem Miller

Todrick Hall: Do you have any questions, Jujubee?
Jujubee: What are the feet doing?
Todrick Hall: At what part?
Jujubee: All of it.
[Todrick falls to floor laughing]
Jujubee: I’m sorry!
Todrick Hall: He said all of it!

[In confessional] Ugh, God, the first week I vote for her, and she’s crazy upset and she’s taking it personally. And now, honestly, I don’t know why she’s not fighting harder for herself. Like, who is this Mayhem and why have you checked?


I might be pretty on the outside, but on the inside, I’m pure garbage.

Shea Coulee

I’m not just sickening, I’m contagious.

Alexis Mateo

Jujubee: If I’m going down, you’re going down.
Miz Cracker: I have gone down. I know you’re going down too, if you play our cards right.
Ross Mathews: What?
Jujubee: I’m still wearing the butterfly ring you gave me.
Miz Cracker: Oh please, let your butterfly flap a little more for me, love. All you have to do is tell these reporters that absolutely nothing is going on between us.
Blair St. Clair: Wait … what, Mom?!
Jujubee: I love you, but I can’t

Jake: It doesn’t matter if we’re the Knights of the Blue Rose or the Knights of Saint Christopher. Our job remains the same: keeping The Order in check. That Tartarus eruption is as much Vera’s fault as it is Alyssa’s. Okay? They both need to be held accountable for it. They’re also the only practitioners that are capable of dealing with it.
Gabrielle: Well, look who showed up. An actual Knight.

Hamish: Vera, I don’t think you’re selfish. You’re demanding and weirdly ticklish, but you’re not selfish.
Vera: How can you be so sure?
Hamish: Because of all the times you could have killed us, but you didn’t because you wanted us to learn, to live.
[Hamish reaches for Vera’s cheek]
Vera: Don’t.
Hamish: It’s alright to let someone care about you.
Vera: There’s no point.
Hamish: You performed the Fors Factoram?
[A tear rolls down Vera’s cheek]

Gabrielle: A werewolf hide jumps me and I end up in some Jungian Six Flags?
Kyle: Oh, my God. Drop the act. Okay? You wanted this.
Gabrielle: To be a werewolf? Gross.
Kyle: To belong.

TV Quotes Quotes

Amanda: You don't know how you made it to the surface?
Nolan: No, but the purple skins do.
Amanda: Purple skins?
Nolan: I'll tell you on the way

Conquer! Kill! Devour! Put it on a T-shirt so you don't forget.

Doc Yewll