Leo: That's your marriage proposal? I have a rule that any man who doesn't get down on bended knee, he is not a man worth marrying.
Dimitri: You know what, Stark? You are absolutely right. Forgive me, Gwen. Let me do this the proper way.
[Dimitri gets down one on knee and opens a ring box.]
Gwen: Oh wow. That is a large diamond. That is a very large diamond.
Dimitri: Allow me a second chance. Gwen Rizchek, will you do me the great honor of becoming my wife?
Leo: The answer is a hard no!
Gwen: For God's sake, Matty!
Leo: Okay, that thing is huge. The ring, I mean. But I'm sorry, friendo, you've wasted the money you've worked so hard to inherit, because there is no way Gwen is accepting your proposal.
Gwen: Damn it, Matty!
Leo: How do you say hell no in Alamanian?
Dimitri: You do realize I'm proposing to Gwen and not you?

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