Jennifer: I'm fine, Julie. I'm fine.
Julie: No, sweetheart, you're not. Jack wasn't around the last time you started using painkillers, but I was. That's the reason we moved back into the house, Doug and me. . Do you remember that? It was to take care of you.
Jennifer: Yes, I remember. And I am grateful. But that is not what is happening here.
Julie: Jennifer Rose, you're not fooling anybody, especially not me. You've been struggling. How long has it been?
Jennifer: A few weeks.
Julie: Why didn't you talk to me?
Jennifer: I was ashamed.
Julie: You have nothing to be ashamed of. We don't judge you. We want to help you.
Jennifer: Aunt Maggie tried to help.
Julie: Maggie knew about these pills?
Jennifer: Yeah. She found them in my purse. It was by accident. The bottle wasn't full. I hadn't taken any. She watched me throw them out. Then she took me to a meeting. Then I came back and I got them out of the trash and I took one. Then I took another and another until the bottle was empty.
Julie: Listen to me, Jennifer. We all love you very much and after everything you've been through... I don't presume to imagine the pain you have been going through, but I do know in this life, there is nothing more tragic than when a parent loses a child, especially so suddenly, so senselessly. I know you're struggling, darling. You've been struggling just to get through the day. But, remember something. Your life is important too. Your life, how you live it. That's important to all of us, and it's especially important to those precious grandchildren of yours, because with their mother gone, you my darling, you are the most important woman in their lives. They need you, darling. They're going to need you for a long, long time. We all are.

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