Spencer and Alex Continue Their Journey
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Cara goes to the post office where she sees the paper. Electricity is coming to the valley. She was hoping there would be a cable from Spencer. She has little hope he'll return, but she she she can't give it all up yet.

Jacob is in a lot of pain, and he cries as Cara cleans his wounds.

Emma cares for John's new grave, but she's absent from other areas of life, so Jack and Elizabeth are all Cara has for comfort.

Jack spends his evenings watching the perimeter of the property, foregoing passion. Cara wants Emma to be a mother to Jack, but she refuses, taking the gun to her own head later that evening.

In Africa, Spencer and Alex are beginning the perilous journey to Montana. Elsa is once again the harbinger of doom as she laments that for her brother, this journey will be his last.

There are no vessels to the States, and the next ship to London is three weeks away with a month-long voyage. They have to look for other options.

At the church, Father Renaud is alerted to the murder of the two nuns. When he doesn't get the answers he wants from the the other girl, he beats her until she passes out.

She says Teonna went home, but Renaud finds that hard to believe since she's 400 miles from home. If he doesn't get the answers, he will deliver her to the devil. She spits in his face, promising that when Teonna reaches their clan, the Kills Many Clan, he will be their next target. He beats her down and stomps on her head, likely killing her.

The clergy is searching for clues in the yard and find a set of hoofprints. He sends a trio of priests to bring her back to him.

Teonna is traveling and hiding among some rock formations. At night, a wolf or coyote wanders close, and she goes feral, scaaring it away, or so she thought. The animal returns, threatening her, and she hits it over the head with a rock before crawling atop on of the formations. The animal lays down below, waiting.

Spencer finds someone in a canteen that suggest he try to find passage as a deckhand to the Suez Canal. It's Peter Stormare. He's the boat captain. He recognizes that Spencer has been hit with mustard gas, which throws Spencer a bit. They don't mention Alex.

Teonna wakes up surrounded by a flock of sheep. A man wonders if she's lost, but she says she ran from the Indian School. He says he would, too. He knows her father, Runs His Horse. This fella chose the name Hank. He watches the sheep because if the government finds out they have them, they'll take them.

Teonna admits she's in big trouble. She killed the nuns who beat and raped her. Hank gets off his horse and approaches her. He says the nuns had it coming. He'll take her home and find her father. She wonders if she should go to Canada, but he says Canada's worse.

They'll move among the sheep, which will clean their tracks.

In Montana, Banner is with Donald Whitfield. They're talking about the Yellowstone. Banner is going to help Whitfield buy up all of the land surrounding the Yellowstone in a move very much like the present.

Whitfield shows off the house with it's gas stove, electric lights, and running water. Banner has never lived in the city, but the home is now his.

The Yellowstone ranch is now shrinking their heard by selling their heifers. Another cowboy teases Jack, wondering if he's heading to Hollywood. Nope, he'll be a living cowboy, not playing one in the movies.

The doctor says Jacob needs sunlight, so they're moving him outside to the patio table. When Jack says how angry he is, Jacob says they can't win without a leader, and Jack's not ready to lead yet.

Jacob doesn't want Jack to go to town any longer. It's unsafe. And he wants Cara to begin hiring the livestock agents because he doesn't trust anyone else.

Elizabeth is so angry at Jack. She misses him and needs him and he's sullen and angry, turning to hate instead of love. If he won't love her, then she wants to go home.

She says Jack has made this place a prison. He assures her it's not. It's her home. He's her husband. She says not yet, he's not. But he doesn't need a church or a wedding. They recite vows to each other.

Alex wakes up to Spencer trying to leave without saying goodbye. She won't allow it. She challenges him. Can he live his life without her? He can only choose to live his life with her once. The choice will not be offered again. Get your things, he says.

They arrive at the Mauretania, where Spencer asks them to please send word using the radio as Alex has said they can do. The captain, Lucca, agrees to send the cable.

Alex is extraordinarily pleased with herself. He hopes she won't be talking like that for the entire trip. She chatters when she's nervous, and if he'd talk, he'd cut her chatter by half. And then they reach their craft, which is nothing more than a tugboat. Alex will not be deterred.

Once on the water, Lucca spots a cruise liner. It's a ghost ship, listing back and forth. But the tug is moving right up against it. Alex is frightened, but there's nothing to be frightened of, and soon, they're beyond it's borders.

Lucca tells tales of more ghost ships, and leaves the watch to Spencer and Alex.

Elizabeth is pregnant. They need a small wedding very soon with a preacher who will backdate the license.

Jacob is struggling to get up the stairs. He can't make it, and Cara find him on his second attempt. She walks away.

Meanwhile, on the ocean, Spencer and Alex are on their own after Lucca dies. Spencer cries mayday with seconds to spare. There's another ghost ship and they smash into it. Holy crap.

The ship is pushing the tug, driving it under water.

It's snowing in Montana. Cara is on her way to the post office when Whitfield and Banner stop them. He offers her the Stafford brand and asks after her husband. When Cara departs, Whitfield snarls at Banner about his excitement to get rid of the Duttons.

Cara gets Spencer's letter, but the tug is upended, and nobody is in sight.

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1923 Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Fear is the stench of guilt, child, and you reek of it.

Father Renaud

Become a mother before you lecture me about sons and what they do.
