Cara Catches Her Breath - 1923
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The kitchen at the Yellowstone looks like a blood-filled bomb exploded. As Cara prepares to scrub it, her face is filled with pain.

She runs outside, cloth in hand, to cry and scream and try to let it all out. It's brutal and heartrending. She doesn't allow herself much before she heads back inside to the task at hand.

Zane and the cowboys arrive. That's when we see the living room filled with survivors.

He wants to take over cleaning for Cara. She wants him to take the letter for Spencer. He wants to send a wire instead. She refuses. She's standing by what Jacob said -- they must keep it a secret to ensure others don't come to finish off the job.

Jacob survived the night, but Zane suggests she say goodbye to Jacob while she still can.

Emma slept in the weagon. She asks them to hook up the team. She takes the wagon to the cemetery and begins to dig. The cowboys ride over to lend a hand.

Cara checks on Jack's wound. She wonders how Elizabeth slept. He says she didn't move. Cara checks her wound, but she's got a raging fever. The doctor said no aspirin, so Cara wants to run her a bath.

When Jack leaves the room, he heads to Jacob's bedside and finds him with labored breathing.

In Africa, Alex wakes, joining Spencer as he stands in the ocean. It's a different side of Africa, and she wonders why nobody speaks of it. Because nobody knows it, he says. He wants to show her something, and they get in a boat. He takes her to an island with a beautiful sandy beach.

He strips her and she teases him unmercifully. He asks her to stop talking so he can ravage her.

Alex is out in the ocean, and I expect her to get eaten by a shark. Instead, they talk about meeting each other's families. The war cost her her brother and him his soul. She says never to underestimate the healing qualities of a good ravaging.

A couple of Banner's men want to leave the state. He wants to build a bigger army. The three of them are all they have left. But he says they don't need to build an army. They can borrow one.

Banner heads to Donald Whitfield's house and tell him Jacob is dead. Donald wonders about the law, and Banner scoffs. Everyone is dead, and in six months, Banner plans to lease to Donald the mineral rights. They make a devil's deal.

Cowboys on a ridge begin moving cattle. They've killed the cowboys watching the cattle.

Elizabeth's mom arrives as the Yellowstone. She plans on removing Elizabeth from the house and the whole state. She wants her back east. She says they killed their wedding when they killer her father. Jack talks back to Mrs. Strafford, which earns him a slap across the face, which in turn earns her a slap across the face from Cara.

Elizabeth decides to stay and start her life at the Yellowstone with Jack. Mrs. Strafford isn't happy with this development, but Cara makes it clear she has no rights here.

Zane arrives with the news that their cattle have been stolen. He says he needs all the boys. Jack starts for his horse. Cara stops him in his tracks. She needs a moment to think. Thinking finds her praying over her ailing husband, thinking she wouldn't get a response. But she does. You be the leader, he says.

She and Jacob agree that the cattle are not worth another life. They have to put off the fight until Spencer arrives. She forbids him to die. He says he's too stubborn.

Jacob gives Zane instructions to handle the remaining cattle. Zane worries about Jacob's absence at the livestock convention, but Jacob puts his faith in Cara. They've got to hold out for a year as they wait for Spencer to return.

Cara is back in the yard praying. Zane finds her there.

Elsa says her family doesn't hope. They fight for what they want until they have it.

Bummer. It's time to check in with the nightmare that is the Catholic school. Sister Mary is spewing garbage while Sister Alice or some other bitch whips a girl who is hurting her self picking the crappy berries. Teonna smashes her over the head with a shovel, and then Sister Mary does the same to her.

She's got Teonna tied up and is blathering on about being saved. Not wanting to be saved earns Teonna another beating. Teonna doesn't stop streaming no matter what. The bitch broke a wooden ruler over Teonna's face until she gives in. What else can she say?

Once she says save me, Sister Mary chops off her hair. Then her wounds are savagely scrubbed. Ironic that they call her a savage.

In the middle of the night, she packs her things. She's planning her escape. Dear God, please, please let her go.

Teonna goes to Sister Mary and kills her in the name of the land. Then she burns the ruler and burns her face with it before leaving.

Cara, flanked by cowboys, arrives for the livestock meeting. She addresses the group by saying that since thieves stole their cattle, Jacob is in Wyoming tracking the cattle. The thieves are also murderers, taking Bob Stafford's life in cold blood. Now, she is asking for the creation of the police force within their organization. Nobody says aye. They don't like that she's speaking for Jacob. Once she proves she's got his approval, the ayes have it, and they'll reconvene in one month.

Banner accosts Cara outside the meeting, but she puts him in his place.

Alex finds Cara's letters to Spencer. He's kept them all but never read any. She wants an explanation. If insanity was a thing you could touch, it would be war. Those letters are a way out of that but they're a double edged sword. They allow you to feel, but then you're back in the thick of it.

She refuses to share him with his demons, so she pours a couple of drinks, and they start reading the letters.

As she reads, he recalls the horrors that Cara wrote about. There were tales of Spencer's bravery and unflinching resolve. Cara remembered him as a boy who chased cattle instead of gathering them and raced horses until they were ruined for honest work. She cannot wait for that young man and his beautiful smile to return.

Alex and Spencer are both crying by the end of the letter, and she wonders if it was a mistake. Later, they're laughing out loud at Jack's antics as reflected by Cara. Alex cannot wait to meet Jack.

They read every letter, finishing as the sun rises over the water.

Spencer is asleep when she gets to the last letter, which shows that we've been experiencing two time frames. This letter, Alex doesn't want to read. Spencer insists, and Alex reads the letter that Cara wrote at the end of Episode 3.

It was written three months ago.

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1923 Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Alex: Promise me. It will always be this, always an adventure.
Spencer: It'll never be dull. I can promise you that.
Alex: Even when we're old and frail, and all the ravaging is behind us? What then?
Spencer: Wheelchair races.
Alex: Challenge accepted, sir.

Zane: Hope's a dangerous thing mam. Tricks your mind into seeing this world that ain't ever comin' true. It's best to say goodbye to him while you still can.
Cara: No world for miracles in your world, I see.
Zane: There's room for 'em, mam. I've just never seen anyone wish one up.