2 Broke Girls Season 2

"And the Worst Selfie Ever"

After getting romantic with a former boyfriend, Caroline ends up with a mysterious rash on 2 Broke Girls.

"And the Big Hole"

Max tries to mend fences when Hans fires Caroline for insulting his diner on 2 Broke Girls.

"And the Temporary Distraction"

Max has to deal with a boss who makes inappropriate advances when she and Caroline take temporary office jobs to make the bills on 2 Broke Girls.

"And Not-So Sweet Charity"

With the cupcake shop floundering, Max and Caroline ask Caroline's aunt for money to help out on 2 Broke Girls.

"And the Broken Hip"

When a street performer sets up shop outside the cupcake store, Max and Caroline try to get him to move on 2 Broke Girls.

"And Just Plane Magic"

Caroline and Max fly on a private jet with rapper 2 Chainz on their way to Los Angeles for an award event on 2 Broke Girls.

"And the Psychic Shakedown"

In the hopes of figuring out the future of her love life, Caroline visits a psychic on 2 Broke Girls.

"And Too Little Sleep"

The diner staff has to pull an all-nighter to help Max and Caroline get a hug cupcake order done on 2 Broke Girls.

"And the Bear Truth"

Max, Caroline, and Andy have a disastrous time at the cabin together on 2 Broke Girls.

"And the High Holidays"

Struggling to make the rent, Max and Caroline get involved with some questionable customers willing to pay too much for their cupcakes on 2 Broke Girls.

"And the Silent Partner"

Sophie and Caroline have very different visions when Max offers Sophie a partnership in the business on 2 Broke Girls.

"And The Big Opening"

On 2 Broke Girls, Max invites her old flames to show off her success during the cupcake shops grand opening.

"And the New Boss"

On 2 Broke Girls, Max has trouble in her managerial role when she and Caroline hire an intern to help get the cupcake shop ready to open.

"And the Egg Special"

Max and Caroline find creative ways to raise money for a storefront to sell their cupcakes on 2 Broke Girls.

"And the Three Boys With Wood"

On 2 Broke Girls, a couple of Amish boys out exploring the world agree to build Chestnut a barn for Max and Caroline.

"And the Candy Manwich"

After an embarrassing experience, Caroline is too humiliated to go back to the candy store on 2 Broke Girls.

"And the Pre-approved Credit Card"

On 2 Broke Girls, Max and Caroline get a credit card but can't agree on what they should use it on. Earl's son comes to town in the hopes of being a stand-up comic.

"And the Cupcake Wars"

Max and Caroline vie for a spot on the show "Cupcake Wars" on 2 Broke Girls.

"And the Hold Up"

The gang sees a new side to Han when the diner is robbed on 2 Broke Girls.

"And the Pearl Necklace"

Caroline loses a lucky charm as she and Max wait for a phone call from Martha Stewart about one of their cupcakes on 2 Broke Girls.

"And the Hidden Stash"

As the second season begins on 2 Broke Girls, Caroline's imprisoned father recommends the girls buy a specific item from the Channing family estate auction.

2 Broke Girls
Air Dates:
Total Episodes: