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  • Gwyn moves has her belongings shipped to Owen's house. 
  • A body lands on a casket at a funeral. It falls from a plane. The victim was a stowaway from Honduras, and there's someone else that must have accompanined him, so they have to search for that person.
  • They find the woman on the plane. She's hypothermic too. 
  • It's TK's first day on the job as an EMT. 
  • The girl codes, they revive her. She's upset when she hears that her brother died. 
  • Gwyn and Owen pick and choose what of their belongings they're keeping and letting go.
  • Tommy is struggling with missing out on so much with her kids. 
  • Nancy has a hard time adjusting to TK as an EMT and how he's closewith everyone. 
  • A orderly is transporting a worried patient to get an MRI, but somehow the machine sucks him in because of the metal and another patient being in it, and he gets trapped between the gurney and the MRI. Some of them have to strip down to get to the scene. 
  • TK shows how well he's doing, and Tommy encourages him and compliments him, but Nancy appears jealous. 
  • Judd gives Owen some advice. 
  • Nancy and TK compete for Tommy's affections and approval. TK comesup with a plan to drive them to her daughters blackbelt test, TK even uses the sirens when he shouldn't, but when TOmmy gets there, her husband tells her that their daughter didn't want her there because of the added pressure. 
  • TK confides in Carlos about Nancy and realizes that he and the others do treat the paramedics like outscasts. 
  • They arrange for the rig to be named after Tim and put a tribute to him on it. 
  • Gwyn finds out that the baby may not be Owen's. They take a test and it isn't. She was seeing someone named Enzo around the same time. It leads to an argument and Owen realizes he was the rebound guy and she still loves Enzo. Gwyn goes to a hotel.
9-1-1: Lone Star
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9-1-1: Lone Star Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

I gotta hand it to you, Strand. You move fast.


You'd think that one place that the crazy in this world might leave you alone is your own casket but nope.
