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  • In May, Owen has a discliplainary hearing after he punched Billy, and he makes a case for them not closing down the firehouse. 
  • They suspended OWen, and they shut down the 126 and have it tagged for demolition. 
  • Owen tells everyone the news and gives a hero speech about never stop fighting. But they fast forward to six months after the events, in Jauary, where Texas is under a deep freeze like nothing they've ever seen before. 
  • A couple are going through the snow storm in search of the turtles they're rescuing. Joe, the man walks onto unstable ice to retrieve a turtle and finds a boy underneat the ice who is still alive. 
  • Tommy is working at Paragon run by a busness man who wants them to upsell controlled susbtances and make sure the visits are expensive. 
  • T.K. is annoyed that Nancy invited Carlos to a 126 hang and that she hasn't chosen his side. 
  • Judd is upset that he fell behind on getting the nursery together and he's also bumemd that they're scheduled to demo the old house. He ignores Marjan's calls.
  • Marjan shackles herself to the house to stop the demotolition. 
  • Carlos shows up to arrest her, but the demo gets halted by the snow that the they didn't expect to happen
  • Marjan talks to Carlos about everyone giving up and his breakup with T.K. He tells her that their family is all estranged now. 
  • Owen lives on a ranch somewhere. He meets his neighbor, Sadie. They talk, and she warns him about the crazies when it snows. 
  • Some people are hooked to trucks and using them to snow ski through the streets. A sheet of ice from ontop of a truck flies back and nearly decapitates the guy sking in the streets. 
  • Mateo shows up as part of the 129 and helps Tommy, Nancy and TK cut through the ice so they can transport their patient
  • Billy bails Marjan out and asks her to help build the Fire Department up rather than tear it down on social media. 
  • BRody's carotid is perforated during transport. They use snow to pack in his wound and it keeps him stable.
  • Carlos responds a break in at a business. Homeless veterans, one in a wheelchair, are in a funiture store sheltering in.
  • Marjan finds out from Billy that Owen could've been reinstated but chose not to be, and she shares it with Paul and Judd at their house. Owen refused to sign an apology letter, and the guys agree.
  • Marjan goes to see Cap even though the conditions are getting worse. He doesn't want to fight anymore. 
  • The place Carlos takes the veterans to for safety has a tree go through it and the roof collapses on them. 
  • The furiture warehouse guy opens up his space to hoouse the veterans. 
  • TK and Carlos have an awkward run in. 
  • The young girl who checked in everyone is stuck in the church 
  • They have to find Lindsay
  • It's harrowing to get to Lindsay but they get a lead, but something falls on Paul.
  • Buttercup gets away from Owen and finds a man in need, and Marjan tries to drive back into the city and ends up in ditch swerving to avoid a car. 
9-1-1: Lone Star
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9-1-1: Lone Star Season 3 Episode 1 Quotes

Mateo: Wow, so it's really over then?
Owen: Are you kidding me? This isn't the end. This isn't even the beginning of the end.
Mateo: Is it the middle?
Owen: They knock us down seven times, we get back up eight.
Tommy: That's right.
Owen: One twenty-six is our home. We built it together, we're going to fight for it together, like a family.
Marjan: As a family.
Owen: These people have zero idea who they are up against.
Tommy: No, they really don't.
Owen: So we fight, we're going to keep fighting. And we never give up until hell freezes over.

You're not just closing up a firehouse. You're breaking a family. So I am here to respectfully ask for another chance, for some more time to audit the books, I'm confident that I can find a way to keep the house open.
