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Tarlos have a meetup with a bunch of different officiants for their wedding.

They realize amid meeting people that they're not on the same page about kids. TK wants them and Carlos does not.

The fighting couple who sued Marjan are looking to get a fancy, expensive car with the money since they got a house from her dead uncle. They buy the sports car and end up racing someone on the road. They narrowly escape an accident and end up buried under manure when the  dumper  drops manure on them.

Marjan gets them to thank the 126 for saving them on Marjan's social media and shows everyone that they spent the money on a sports care.

TK talks to Tommy about kids and she shares how having them was the fight of her life for her.

Paul accompanies Marjan to her PT where the trainer is clearly into her. And Paul points it out.

She sees on social media that her ex just had a baby. The others try to cheer her up about it.

Marjan mentions dating and needing chaperones, and they all agree to be it for her. They all help give her advice and show up at her dates to sit with her.

Marjan thinks she finds the right person with the date she went out on with Owen chaperoning. And she spends time waiting for the guy to contact her.

A pregnant woman shows up at a motel where she thinks her husband is there cheating. The clerk at the counter isn't help to her as she gets emotional

The pregnant woman steals the construction workers machine and drives it through the motel. But then the motel is so structurall unsound that it begins to collapse.

She's trapped under a bunch of debris and they have to get to her in time before the building fully comes down and make sure she's okay.

The pregnant woman's husband turns out to be the guy that marjan went on a date with and liked.

Both of Tarlos have dinner with their parents and talk about the kid situation.

Carlos is worried about not measuring up as a father because he didn't have the type of close relationship with his father that TK did for Owen.

Marjan bumps into her physical therapist Joe/Yusef as they're in a Halal market. Marjan asks him out to dinner with Paul and Osha, and he agrees.

Carlos gets TK another bearded dragon. They have a conversation about Carlos not being ready now and potentially never being ready and they're good with that.

9-1-1: Lone Star
Episode Number:
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9-1-1: Lone Star Season 4 Episode 12 Quotes

Ma'am, this isn't a hotel. It's a no-tell motel. Believe me; you're not even the first wife who has come here looking for her cheating husband, not even this week.


Maybe the universe is trying to show you to get back out there and start searching for Mr. Right instead of looking in the rearview mirror at Mr. Wrong.
