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A huge earthquake hits Los Angeles, trapping many hotel guests in a high-rise that is leaning and in bad shape. 

The firefighters rush to the scene, with Eddie and Buck climbing the high rise to rescue a man who is pinned to the glass window and woman that is hanging on to items and hoping not to slide. Once they reach the two people, the glass begins to shatter and before they can save him he falls throw the glass. 

The ensuing aftershock then causes the woman to fall through the broken window and she is saved by Eddie.

Bobby, Hen, and Chimney encounter young basketball player Jeff, whose leg is crushed by debris, leaving him pinned. After telling giving him two options, emergency amputation or an attempt at freeing him that could destabilize the region, Jeff decides on the later. The team is eventually able to free him, but an aftershock hits and Hen is thrown deeper into the building. 

Athena apprehends a teenage car thief and while transporting him on the highway, the quake hits leaving them trapped. On the highway, a man is trapped in his car with flames getting dangerously close. Athena enlists her teenage captive to hotwire a cement truck so they can cool the fire while they wait for help to arrive. 


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9-1-1 Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Bobby: How's your sister settling in down there?
Buck: Well, she's a Buckley. Practically running the place.

Okay, listen up. Here's how you make it to the end of the day. You don't worry about the things that you can't do anything about. You focus on one task at a time. I can't order you guys to go inside that building and I'm not gonna judge you if you decide not to.
