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In 2011, Shannon and Eddie welcome Christopher into the world two weeks before Eddie is to go to Afghanistan.

In the present day, Christopher asks Eddie if he can bring in his silver star to show and tell. Shortly after, the 118 responds to the call of a missing child.

They deduce that the child has fallen down a narrow well once they get a camera down the well. To get the child out, they dig a parallel hole into the ground. With a storm threatening the mission, Eddie volunteers to go down the hole and punch across the ground to retrieve the child.

Once he reaches the child, the time he was allotted to be there passes, and the team starts to bring Eddie up. Eddie cuts the line up to remain in the ground.

A flashback to 2015 shows that Eddie has re-enlisted in the Army without telling Shannon. The two argue over him leaving and the lack of help he is providing for Christopher.

While in Afghanistan, Eddie’s chopper is shot down and attacked. Eddie manages to help get everyone out of the chopper, even the already deceased, before it blows up and before help arrives. Soon thereafter, he receives the silver medal and returns home.

Once home, Shannon asks Eddie to go to California to see her mother, who is battling cancer. Eddie tells her he needs time, and the next day Shannon leaves by herself.

Back in the present day, Chimney is lowered into the hole and he pulls the child out. A lightning strike causes the earth to cave in on Eddie’s tunnel. He begins to swim through an underground tunnel and surfaces in the nearby reservoir.

In 2017, Eddie’s parents ask him if they can have Christopher permanently. This conversation appears to be the catalyst to get Eddie and Christopher to Los Angeles.

Eddie makes it to Christopher’s show and tell to talk about his silver star back in the present day.

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9-1-1 Season 3 Episode 15 Quotes

Buck: Oh, if I had a medal, I would never take it off.
Eddie: We know.

No matter what happens, I'm always gonna fight to come home to my family.

Eddie [to Shannon]