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As the dispatch center deals with a suspect involved in a police chase, May becomes upset when Claudette steals one of her tips which aids in capturing the suspect. She later vents to Bobby and Athena, who advises her to confront Claudette.

Chimney and Albert look at places for Albert to rent, and he admits that he doesn't know if he'll still have a job, as firefighting is much harder than he thought.

At dispatch, Carson works in the server room and heads to the basement to connect power, sparking an electrical fire.

Trapped in the server room, Terry becomes a victim of the fire suppression system, which zaps the room of oxygen. Eddie goes to see about the alert and breaks into the room to rescue Terry. He also realizes the dispatch is on fire.

The 118 and 133 arrive at the center, and Bobby and Lucy race in to find May and Claudette, while Buck and Eddie go to find Carson.

Hen and Jonah set up a triage center in the parking garage while Chimney and Albert assist in securing the tower on the building.

While Buck and Eddie find Carson and get his broken leg splinted, Bobby finds May and Claudette and knocks down the wall to get them out. As they race out of the building, the roof collapses, pulling Albert down before Chimney saves him and causing the roof to collapse on May and Bobby.

The 118 races to save Bobby and May, and they pull them out of the rubble.

Taylor sees Buck and Lucy share a moment and later confronts Lucy about not making things messy at the firehouse.

Chimney tells Albert that he should quit if he doesn't want to be a firefighter.

At the hospital, Claudette dies while on Jonah's watch, and his odd behavior makes Hen suspicious.

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9-1-1 Season 5 Episode 16 Quotes

Albert: I just think that maybe the job's harder than I thought it would be.
Chimney: But the first year's always hard. It just takes some time to find your sea legs. You just gotta hang in there.

May: Oh my God, Claudette.
Claudette: I don't like fire.