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Eddie and Theo prepare for Theo's school play. Katherine is excited because she took off on that day so she could see him play a tree. She quickly realizes the dates were switched and they only emailed Eddie about it because he is the primary parent.

Katherine is upset because all she wanted was to see Theo but she has to be in court. She tries to appeal to the judge who is also a working mom, but it doesn't work. Instead she continues on with the case until she forces the other side to call a recess until the next day.

Eddie tries every trick in the book to postpone the play until Katherine can get there. He starts a lengthy discussion by appealing to the plight of working moms, and it works. Katherine makes it. They all talk about Theo's part and she reminds jm that his part is important. She also tells him that she knows how it feels sometimes to be ignored.

Later she tells Eddie that she deserves better and that she wished they were like they were that day all the time. She tells him that she can't be with him. They tell Theo, and Eddie goes to stay with Gary.

Rome calls and has his first session with Heller. They talk about the cultural aspect of Rome dealing with depression. He is encouraged to find out if he has a family history of that.

Rome talks with his dad. His father doesn't want to admit that he has it but does say he's struggled sometimes.Rome's mother tells him that his father has it too. She reminds him to keep regina in the loop. Rome chooses to take the medicine.

Delilah is called to the school when Sophie punched another student who told her Jon was in hell for committing suicide. She and delilah spend the day together beating up a dummy and talking about Jon.

Gary plans the perfect date in an effort to get Maggie to open up about her diagnosis. They have an amazing time until she figures out he knows and found out from Tom.

She tells him that she isn't doing treatment and explains why she wants to die on her terms. He pleads with her to reconsider.

They play a basketball game to determine Maggie's fate. If Gary wins she goes to treatment. He doesn't win because Maggie used to play basketball in college.

Gary makes a final tearful plea for her to change her mind, then he breaka shootertv telling her he can't watch her die. Later, he sends her a balloon and now letting her know he'll stick by her.

The guys find a pregnancy test at Rome's house. Rome freaks out,but Eddie tells him that his kid was the best thing by that happened to him. Rome starts to look forward to the idea.

Rome tells Regina that he knows she's pregnant. She tells him the test belonged to Delilah.

A Million Little Things
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A Million Little Things Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Katherine: I have to get to court, but my whole office knows that tomorrow morning I will be going to the theater
Theo: But the show is today
Katherine: No it's the eighth. You told me it was the eighth.
Eddie: It is today. It was moved because of the field trip. I thought they emailed both of us
Katherine: No. Apparently, they only emailed the primary parent.
Theo: You're still coming aren't you mommy?

Katherine: Little man, you're going to be spectacular.
Theo: It's just a small part.
Katherine: Small parts? There are no small parts.
Eddie: Mommy's right, bud.