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Flashbacks to when Eric and Chloe spent some time together. She joins him on his motorcycle.

Regina is preparing to tell her mother about adopting.

The group planned to go to Gary's. He's watching a film that his mother appeared in. And the group knows that it doesn't end well for him.

Maggie tells them that Gary tried to talk to his mother months ago even though he hasn't spoken to her since he was a kid.

Rome's friend tells him that his producer friend is making Rome's movie, but Rome didn't know about it, so he must have stolen Rome's idea.

Gary is mean to everyone because they came to visit. Delilah confronts him about his mommy issues. He mentions that he doesn't even know where she is, but Delilah does.

Gary's mom is doing a play in Brooklyn, and since the kids are away, Delilah is going on a road trip with him and Rome who wants to catch up with Todd and confront him about stealing his idea.

Maggies goes to see Eric. He's packing up and planning to move.

Regina tells her mom about adopting, and Sharon reacts well to it and is excited.

Maggie tells Eric how she feels about him, and she tries to tell him that Chloe would probably want him to move on. She sees a photo of him that's recent enough where he doesn't have a scar. She flashes back to all the times he seemed suspicous and what Gary said. He tries to explain to her, and she leaves.

Rome waits for Todd at his office.

Gary and Delilah arrive at the theater and see his mother. He talks to his mother, and she tells him that motherhood wasn't what she was cut out for, and that she knows it was selfish, but she had to leave.

He tells her she left and never came back, and she tells him that she did.

Todd won't confess that he stole Rome's idea, and so he threatened to sue.

He tells Rome that he was always all talk and no action.

Sharon goes to baby stories, and she's excited about buying a bunch of things. Regina comments that she's surprised Sharon is taking the new so well.

Sharon talks about how long it was for another couple because of them wanting a baby that looks like them, and Gina says she and Rome talked about that too and would want to raise a kid that looks like them. Sharon gets offended.

Alice says she saw Gary a year later, but he didn't see her. Gary speaks more about it, and she offers to meet him after her play. He declines.

He and Delilah talk about what happened, and she mentions that he was probably pushing Maggie away because he wanted to avoid being hurt again.

Rome crashes Todd's meeting with the actor Rome also wanted for his movie. He tells Todd that the reason he didn't change his story was because it was about his friends and his depression. Isaac listens intently.

Eric comes to see Maggie. He tells her the real story about what happened. He missed the curb sign when he was riding his motorcycle with Chloe and they got into an accident.

They were both sent to the hospital. He saw Maggie's mother there crying and in hysterics about Chad.

Chloe needed a heart and got Chad's. She lived for six more years. But when Maggie's mother sent the letter, he didn't want to tell her that Chad's heart was gone.

He met Maggie and fell in love with her from the first time since Chloe.

Isaac calls Rome and tells him he wants to work with him. He's tired of people like Chad stealing their stories. He wants to produce too.


A Million Little Things
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A Million Little Things Season 2 Episode 12 Quotes

Gary: Just because you're out of kids to mother, does not mean you get to scratch that itch with me.
Eddie: Hey, you do not get to say that to her.

Maggie: Looks like we've all got mommy issues in common. Some of us worse than others.
Delilah: Well, on behalf of all mothers everywhere, I apologize, ladies.