The Whole Gang - Abbott Elementary
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Gregory and Janine are in the mail room and she sees a flyer for his dad's lawn care company. He reveals that his dad uses an actor to play his son on the flyer.

Janine gives her class a writing prompt and two of her kids are not in their assigned seats. They argue and Janine intervenes.

She tells the camera that she knows how to handle these things.

Gregory's dad is in town for a landscaping job and wants to stop by.

He stands at attention as Ava tries to flirt with him.

His dad gives Ava his business card.

Ava speaks with Melissa in the breakroom.

She laments that she was beaten by Mr. Johnson in fantasy football.

Ava admits she's afraid of Mr. Johnson. She encounters Gregory and his dad as he shows his dad the school.

Jacob and Barbara meet Mr. Eddie and introduce them as caretakers of the garden. They slowly realize Gregory has been secretly tending their garden.

His dad is impressed with his correction and precision.

Barbara confronts Gregory.

Barbara: Everything we planted was a lie?

Gregory: No, some of the weeds were yours.


in the cafeteria, Barbara tells Janine about Gregory's interference. Janine has made the two fighting girls sit next to each other intentionally to make them become close.

They begin to fight and throw milk.


Melissa and Barbara warn Janine about the kids not getting along. She lets them know she's able to create unity among the students.



Ava interrupts Melissa's class in reference to Fantasy Football. She has an inside scoop on how to give Melissa an edge. They bargain that Melissa will get 20% of the winnings and Ava's shelf in the fridge.

Janine decides to improve on the Buddy System. She has them do a physical project where they trace each other and write their good qualities in the outline. Joya drew an outline full of "poop".  Zara drew Joya with body odor. They tell them they need to work out their differences or they will miss Toy Story in the library.


Gregory facetimes with his dad in the breakroom and his dad brags on his gardening techniques. Barbara is listening and outraged. He is secretly pleased and admits he is experiencing Black Boy Joy.


After a seemingly peaceful morning, the students who have been fighting send their older sisters to confront each other in the cafeteria. One initially mistakes Janine for the bully and calls her small for an 8th grader. The girls proceed to fight with Janine trying to break it up. She protests that she is a full grown woman. Ava jumps in the fight gleefully proclaiming "Only in America".

Barbara breaks up the fight and the girls admit this was their way of working it out.

Melissa tasks one of her students to pour a large container of dirty water into the sink of the bathroom at the end of the hall.

Ava calls Mr. Johnson over the intercom to clean up the mess with the hopes he won't be able to make the bet in time. Ava and Melissa meet outside- the bathroom is a dead zone- and somehow he makes a bet from the bathroom.

Gregory meets with his dad and does some lawn care. His dad proposes Eddie and Son lawn care as the name of the business. Gregory tells his dad that he has never been satisfied with his work before. His dad tells him he needs to be able to pass the business on to him and he has never seen him more confident.

Janine and Barbara meet up for an impromptu office hour. Janine admits that all her solutions created more problems.  Janine admits that people not getting along makes her uncomfortable. Her mother and sister always fought and put her in the middle.

Gregory teaches his students about the fragility of seeds and the steps to germination. Jacob comes in and Gregory tells him that his confidence comes from doing this job.  Jacob is relieved that he isnt leaving.

Janine realizes that sometimes people won't like each other. As the kids watch Toy Story, She sees the girls share the kleenex box and rejoices by singing You've got a friend in me.

The formerly feuding student's big sisters, who are now friends, arrive to pick up their little sisters.

Janine calls her sister and invites her to come to visit and she won't tell their mom.

Mr. Johnson gloats in the break room counting his money from winning fantasy football. He gives Jacob his cut.  Melissa and Ava are appalled that Jacob helped him win. The men do a complex handshake with a bird call.


Abbott Elementary
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Abbott Elementary Season 2 Episode 12 Quotes

I'm pretty sure that was I'll beam you up. Like, clearly she's a Trekie. She wants to beam her up on her ship. Her friendship.


Student: Mr. Eddie, I accidentally brought my seed to my mouth and accidentally ate it.
Gregory: Well, let's think about it. Did you also swallow a wet paper towel?
Student: Yes
Gregory: Ok, let's go to the nurse.