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  • Taylor gives Thompson all the information about the interior of the Cody house and the code to get past the gate. He tells her that Pope and J may be gone for the next couple of days. Taylor hasn't been around the skate park and Pope notices.
  • J meets up with Eddie's brother to get more information about the location and job that night.
  • J and Deran meet up with the new diner owners and squeeze five percent out of them. 
  • Smurf has sex with Billy in a hotel and then tells him he has to help her get into Camp Pendleton for a job.
  • Pope asks J about his discussions about going legit and agrees they have to adapt to survive. 
  • Deran scopes out everything at the Brock party on the job. Pope asks J about Penny and if he ended things yet and then asked if he should contact Amy.
  • Thompson breaks into the Cody home and goes through eerything. She finds a box with Pope's belongings and goes through them, seeing pictures of Lena and Catherine and a pamphlet from the church.
  • Julia and Baz end up having a date but she stops him from trying to have sex with her because she hasn't had sex yet.
  • Pope and J cause a plumbing issue inside and Pope gets pushed through to fix it. He puts the fake jewlwerly in back of the toilet and when everyone leaves Deran goes to switch them out while Craig stalls by getting hit by a car.
  • Deran tries to get the super expensive cross but can't because the celebrity, Brock, got it made for his girlfriend and it's on her. 
  • He gets all the jewlery but that one and has to leave. 
  • Baz gives Andrew his keys and sends him out to get pizza so he and Julia can spend time together.
  • He and Julia have sex And he has forgotten about the pendelton job where Smurf is waiting for him. 
  • Smurf notices he's cleaning his sheets when she gets back and warns him not to do it again. 
  • Eddie's brother doesn't feel good about the job . 
  • Deran and Craig end up brawling. 
  • Pope notices that the power must have went out when he goes to heat up food for Deran and he called Amy and left a message on her phone.
Animal Kingdom
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Animal Kingdom Season 6 Episode 6 Quotes

Pope: What you were talking about earlier, you really think we could be legit?
J: Eventually.
Pope: You mean like suits and shit?
J: No, no, it'd still be what we do, just in a different way.
Pope: But why?
J: Because I think we're going to have to.
Pope: Organisms.
J: Huh?
Pope: Organisms who don't adapt to their environment, don't survive. Just look at the Amazon.

You don't want to be a dad, Billie. Deran is better off without you, but you don't get to say no to me.
