"November 17, 2008"

Brad and Katie tell Margo that Spencer is alive and in Chicago. Margo questions Katie and guesses it's a ploy to keep Brad out of jail. ...

"December 3, 2008"

As Katie and Brad tape a new segment, the two smell a foul odor in the studio. Brad tracks the odor to his locker - where a dead body fa...

"November 18, 2008"

Lucinda reveals that she not only scheduled her surgery for today but also asked for total breast removal, not just a lumpectomy. Brian ...

"November 5, 2008"

Bringing her roses, Jack tells Janet that Sage set him up to find her with her ex. Brad leans over Spencer and finds she has no pulse. ...

"November 19, 2008"

Janet hands Jack her engagement ring and announces that she's "letting him off the hook. " Jack argues that he loves her and will marry h...

"November 24, 2008"

Alison convinces Casey to tell his parents about his troubles but he won't unless she's there with him. At home Casey announces that Ali...

"November 25, 2008"

Paul orders Josie to get Dusty away from his wife or he won't pay her. Josie finally admits she can't do this anymore because she's fall...

"November 7, 2008"

Katie convinces Kim to let her go on the air and tell their fans about Brad. Katie breaks down in tears so Kim jumps in and offers her s...

"December 30, 2008"

Luke enters in time to hear Lucinda complaining to Brian that he doesn't want to be alone with her. Lucinda slams the bedroom door on him. Brian defends his decision to try to take her out tonight and tells Luke that he's trying to help h...

"December 17, 2008"

Paul's vision of James urges him to fake an overdose to win Meg back. Paul calls his mother in hopes that she'll run to tell Meg of her ...

As the World Turns Quotes

Noah: You know if I do stay here, I do have one condition
Luke: Oh yeah? Whats that?
Noah: You better not hog all the covers.

Noah: Do you just not like me?
Luke: No, I like you Noah.
Noah: Then why do you keep pushing me away?
Luke: Because...I like you Noah.
Noah looks surprised.
Luke: Yeah, like that.