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... As the World Turns ...

... Sam catches Carly in nothing but a towel. Sam asks Carly if it’s too awkward, sharing a house. They agree to be housemates and keep the towel incident a secret. Carly and Sam bond ...

... Brad brings Katie a cream puff peace offering. Katie forgives Brad, but is having a breakfast date with Joe, the speed-dating firefighter. Brad goes to Henry for help with Katie (Terri Colombino). Joe’s jokes don’t make Katie laugh, and she fantasizes being with Brad...

... Katie lets Joe down easily, and later calls Brad to ask him to come over. Meg covers with Craig, claiming Emma is ill. Holden (Jon Hensley) confronts Meg, who tells him the whole story ...

... Holden wants to keep Meg and the baby safe at the farm. Holden warns her about Paul’s vendetta against Craig. Craig shows up, and they have it out. When Craig is desperate to keep Meg he grabs her, as Holden holds Craig at gunpoint...

... Rosanna comes home early from her trip to find Paul furious. Rosanna admits she altered the test results because she can’t bear to lose Paul. Paul rejects Rosanna and she lets it slip that Craig (Scott Bryce) tried to kill the baby. Rosanna tries to stop murderous Paul from leaving her...

... Rosanna tells Craig Paul knows everything. Barbara runs into Paul, who tells her she’s going to be a grandfather. Paul fills Barbara in and she begs Paul not to endanger himself...

... Until As the World Turns returns ...

As the World Turns
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