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As the World Turns
Episode Recap
June 12, 2008

Today on As the World Turns, Carly tells Sage that it will be fun to drive to summer camp with Lily and her girls.

But at the farm, Holden explains that Lily has a business meeting so he's driving. He offers to take all of them but she insists on being with Sage.

Hearing them argue, Lily convinces them both to go.

At Camp Chapawee, Holden and Carly are mistaken for husband and wife and are ushered into their own cabin for parents' weekend.

Caught sneaking beer into their cabin, Holden then gets a call from Lily which makes his evening with Carly even more awkward.

After chastising Lisa for lecturing her, Bob asks Alison what it will take to make her lawsuit go away. Alison asks to be put back in the nursing program since she didn't flunk out.

She also asks that Chris not be allowed to work at Memorial because she's afraid to be anywhere near him.

Bob tells Chris he wants him to make a decision he can live with. Chris announces that he's not going anywhere and then confronts Alison.

Locking her in a room, Chris blasts her for suing him. She threatens to scream if he doesn't let her out. Susan watches as he frees her.

Alison vows to get even. Katie comes home early and finds Janet in her bathing suit, living at the house.

Brad claims she was afraid of Bud but Katie points out that's not an acceptable reason and blasts him for not telling her the truth.

Things get worse as Katie learns that Janet was on the TV show too wearing one of Katie's dresses. She demands that he take her side on the "family thing" or else he can follow her out the door.

Running into Jack, Janet learns J.J. is sick and brings them some chicken soup. Brad takes her things to Janet and warns she can't stay at the house again.

Until tomorrow on As the World Turns ...

As the World Turns
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