October 10, 2007 Pic
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... As the World Turns ...

... Sick that he kissed Carly and was affected by it, Katie asks Jack why he did it. Jack claims it's because Carly is dying but Katie (Terri Colombino) states that she can't take this. He assures her one kiss won't change them. Insisting she knows what he must do, Katie asks him to move out so it will be easier on both of them....

... Rushing to her place when she won't meet him at the hospital, Dr. Evers advises Carly that he thinks she actually has an abscess which means she is not dying. She points out she's been ill but he guesses it's from the medication she's taking and claims with antibiotics, she'll be fine in a couple of weeks...

... Jack arrives but before she can tell him her good news, she decides not to upon hearing his fear that his marriage won't survive. Shown the photo of Cheri, Noah recognizes her as the dead woman from the hotel. Margo explains her real name was Charlene Wilson and confirms that she was his mother...

... Noah (Jake Silberman) is rocked to hear that his father killed her. Bob advises Holden and Lily that Luke came out of surgery successfully. After Lily leaves, Win slips into Luke's room but before he can disconnect his life support tubes, a nurse kicks him out. In the hall, he grabs an empty syringe...

... Lily pleads with Holden to forgive her and insists she would never intentionally hurt their son. He acknowledges that but states they need to have a united front for Luke's sake. Luke wakes and finds Win by his bedside. As he tries to inject him, Lily enters and tries to stop him...

... Dusty then jumps him and Lily gets a security guard to grab the deranged killer. Holden arrives in time to see them embracing but ends up thanking Dusty. Luke wakes and tells his parents he can't feel his legs. At the station house Noah gets his father to explain why he killed his mother. Assuring him he did nothing wrong, Dusty sends Noah to see Luke but when he fears Luke is paralyzed, he runs off...

As the World Turns
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