October 15, 2007 Picture
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... As the World Turns ...

Seeing Noah and Luke visit, Holden points out to Lily that once again she ignored his request and did what she wanted to do. When Lily claims that Luke's happy to see Noah, Holden denies that "the ends justify the means" and eventually blasts her for turning to Dusty once again...

... He announces that he'll be staying at the farm and wants her to go back to the house. Luke (Van Hansis) assures Noah (Jake Silbermann) that he doesn't blame him for what his dad did. The two confess how much they care for each other but Luke then hints that they can't have a relationship since he may never walk again. Noah asks him to promise he'll do all he can to get better...

... Katie (Terri Colombino) stops by Carly's place to see Jack but before they can talk, Brad bursts in and boasts that he just had an interesting conversation with Carly's doctor and confides to Carly about her Oscar-winning performance. Calling it her "recovery," Carly defends her decision not to be honest with Jack but assures him that she will tell him one day...

... Brad is outraged but Carly insists on more time. He then blasts her for putting her children through this horrible lie. Carly suggests that this will give Brad the chance to be with Katie. Meanwhile, after Jack tells Katie to go ahead and put in the offer on the house, he also warns that he's decided to move in with Carly until the "very end." Katie states that she won't do this...

... When she walks out, Brad (Austin Peck) opts not to tell her Carly's lie but does accompany her back to the station. As Will and Gwen wait in the other room at the hospital, Susan gives Alison a chance to back out of providing an egg to Gwen by reminding her more than once that she'll have no chance to have any claim on the resulting baby...

... Alison signs the necessary papers and goes in for the procedure....

... and we wait for As the World Turns to return again ...

As the World Turns
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