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Luke is rushed to the hospital. Tavaroff faces a tribunal of Crows, including Jacob. Tavaroff claims Luke pulled a gun. Jacob orders a review of the body cam footage. The other agent is called in.

Luke starts to flatline. In his mind, he enters the office at Wayne Tower. He sees his father.

Mary and Ryan enter the office discussing Luke's coma and whether he'll make it. Ryan plans to question Eli, the car thief. Mary's planning to use the Desert Rose to save Luke.

In Enigma's office, Alice opens her files. She finds files on Jacob and Kate and Mary, all marked as research for Roman Sionis. Ocean walks in, startling her. He sets about disposing of Enigma's body. Alice reveals that she's Riddler's daughter and that she's been researching the Kane family for Sionis. Ocean doesn't care.

Batwoman runs down an SUV driven/stolen by Eli. He tells her about Tavaroff shooting Luke. She punches him out after getting the whole story.

Luke calls to his father in his mind but Bruce Wayne appears to talk with him. He talks about Luke's choices.

Ryan returns to the Batcave where Mary's brewing a Desert Rose serum. She looks up Tavaroff and decides to go after him.

Alice walks into the Wayne Towers office. She triggers the intruder alert which brings Mary up to confront her. Alice asks Mary about Circe Sionis but Mary draws a blank. Alice tries to leave on that note but Mary questions her.

Batwoman takes on Tavaroff in an alley. She has him until a Crow vehicle hits her and takes off with Tavaroff.

Alice finds Ocean in his subway car. He informs her Enigma's body has been taken care of. He admits that he still loves her but wants her to choose between Kate and him. She claims that if he loved her he'd want her to have what she wants.

They kiss.

Sophie comes to the Batcave and Ryan asks for everything she knows about Tavaroff.

Mary comes up against a couple of Crow guards at Luke's room when she comes with the Desert Rose.

The Crows release doctored footage of Luke pulling a gun. Sophie has a plan to pull the original footage. Ryan confesses that she feels like she pushed Luke into confronting Eli and she blames herself for Luke being shot.

Luke and Bruce continue to have a conversation in her subconscious. Bruce offers Luke the chance to let go and join his father.

Sophie goes to see Jacob. She begs him to open his eyes to the corruption. As she leaves, she inserts a drive into a nearby computer.

Wolfspider is brought in to help get into Luke's room. Mary distracts the guards while he administers the Desert Rose to Luke's IV.

Jacob confronts Tavaroff. He demands Tavaroff's badge and gun. Tavaroff knocks him out.

Batwoman's trying to get the bodycam footage when Sophie spots Tavaroff and his posse dragging Jacob out unconscious. She insists Batwoman go after them.

Tavaroff plans to give Jacob a lethal overdose of Snakebite. His minions balk but he bullies them into it.

Before he can administer the drug, Batwoman arrives and takes them out. Jacob revives and she tells him it's up to him.

Although, Luke's body has healed, he hasn't woken up from his coma.

Jacob holds a press conference and announces that the Crows are being disbanded.

Ryan and Mary talk to Luke, begging him to wake up.

Luke makes the decision to give up on the world and stay with his father but the Desert Rose cure pulls him back to life. Ryan and Mary are happy but it's not what he wanted.

Jacob packs up his office. Mary texts him that she's proud of what he did and Sophie comes and tells him the same. When he reaches his car, Alice is waiting for him.

She informs him that Kate is in Gotham and she enlists him to help her save Kate from Black Mask.

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Batwoman Season 2 Episode 15 Quotes

You know it's impossible to get your old man's attention when he's deep in thought.

Bruce Wayne

Eli: Y'know if that guy had just minded his business and let me take the car, I'd've been out of there. And he'd be fine.
Batwoman: You're saying this is his fault?
Eli: It's the truth.