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Paige is with Rachel and Nick, using magic to try to locate Rocco.

Nick screams to Rachel when she's right in the middle of her spell thing to find Rocco. Not helpful, Nick!

Elena and Clay want to know if Alexei knows anything from Katia. Sasha wants to see Alexei's phone. No, they haven't talked. But Alexei then says he warned her about the red-eyed Wolf, so maybe Katia took the baby to protect it. Father and son go off to find her.

Clay gets a call from the nasty ass dude. He's at Reggie's Tavern. Reggie is no longer there. Meet him there. 

Katia still thinks she can keep the baby safe and still use it somehow.

Paige and Rachel take their circle of sticks out to the woods and set it up again. Dang. That's a lot of work. 

Katia is connecting with Roman. She is offering him a Werewolf baby who is also a witch. He's the only one. She wants to meet in Alcott in exchange for her family's freedom. That's the only way. Of course, Roman is going to send two men to each hotel in the area. She's screwed. 

Red-eyed dude says he is the best, just like Clay. They have a lot in common. 

The bad guys catch up with Katia before things go down with Roman, but Nick, Paige and Rachel catch up before things go south. 

Katia doesn't like the life she's been leading. The same goes for Rachel. She's done waiting for anyone else to tell her what her future holds. Paige is going to train Rachel. She reminds Nick that Rachel needs him as much as her; they're family.

Katia is explaining why she did what she did to Nick when the unknown henchmen slam into the back of their car, sending it careening into the woods. Are they alive or dead?


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Bitten Season 3 Episode 7 Quotes

You've tasted the power. How can you not want more? What is it you care about so much?


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