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Jane continues to try to learn who she really is, but it proves more difficult than she ever thought could be possible. She has constant flashes of herself ginning someone down, but she can't place her finger on who. 

Another one of Jane's tattoos give the team the lead on a new case, but this time round, it involves a terrorist who always seems to be one step ahead of them. When they go to his house, he blows it up. 

Kurt realizes Jane has a tattoo on her back that resembles his childhood friends who went missing 25 years ago and it led to his father being ruled the killer and Kurt hasn't spoken to him since. His sister pleads with him to go see him because he's dying, but Kurt doesn't want to. It's evident however that he really needs to. 

Madison realizes that all of Jane's tattoos have some sort of meaning from the previous one.

Jane has even more flashes of who she is, but none that allow her to get her name. The episode concludes with Jane in her apartment being taken by the man who she remembered earlier on after the bomb went off. 

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Blindspot Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Bethany: Like a Google alert on her tattoos?
Madison: It's a little bit more sophisticated than that, but yeah, like a Google alert,.

Jane: Couldn't I just kick the door down? It didn't look that heavy.
Kurt: No, you can't, Jane. That isn't how it works.