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Two weeks after Episode 10, Patterson and Reade have returned to the FBI and Patterson uncovers an alphanumeric code that flags a shipping container that leads to terrorist Anton Stepulov. But just as the FBI locates Stepulov they discover he's collaborating with the CIA, specifically Keaton, the man who tortured Jane between Season 1 and Season 2.

Keaton tells Weller that Stepulov is in New York to get a new heart for his son, in exchange for what he knows about a pending attack on the city that same day. While the FBI begins to work on stopping the attack Keaton continues to butt heads with Jane, who finds out that the son died on the operating table.

Stepulov refuses to help the CIA any further but the team deduces from his remarks to Jane that the attack is targeting a youth basketball tournament that includes Keaton's daughter Erin. Erin is taken hostage but Keaton saves her and Jane saves Keaton from being shot in the back.

Meanwhile Nas brings in a profiler to work with Roman on recovering his memories. The profiler tells Jane and Weller that Roman has extreme antisocial personality disorder and that he needs to be permanently isolated in a mental hospital.

Patterson decodes the disappeared tattoo and identifies it as the social security number for Roman's former associate Kat Jarrett, a member of a biker gang. Reade meets a mysterious woman at a bar, and Allison tells Weller she's moving to Colorado.

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Blindspot Season 2 Episode 11 Quotes

Until we stop her, it's not safe anywhere.


Jane: I know what it's like to feel trapped.
Roman: Then get me out of here.