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Jane proposes that she turn herself in, hoping that Madeline will stop pursuing the rest of the team. Patterson isolates where ZIP, Madeline's memory-erasing chemical. is being manufactured. She uses a virus to overheat the lab where it's being manufactured. Madeline is at the top of the short list for vice president. Zapata suggests putting trackers on Madeline's ZIP supply. Ivy brings in Allie, Kurt's ex and mother to their daughter Bethany. The team needs to split up, Rich and Zapata going to Libya and Kurt and Jane to Hungary. Madeline interrogates Allie. Burke's doctor son Greg is in Libya. Zapata sneaks on the plane with the ZIP and she's stuck onboard when it takes off. Tasha tries to convince Greg that she's also a doctor. Weller and Jane try to denature the ZIP they found but a valve leaks. Greg determines who Tasha is and she has to hold him at gunpoint. Madeline gets inside Allie's head by threatening Bethany. Ivy arrives in Hungary. Patterson has to turn off the tracker so Ivy doesn't find it. Tasha can't convince Greg until she brings up Madeline poisoning his father. Allie is broadcasting a plea to Kurt at Madeline's insistence to turn himself in. Greg doesn't turn in Zapata. Jane turns the tracker back on. Madeline puts Allie into protective custody. Greg gets suspicious while meeting with Madeline, when she gets squirrelly when he mentions his father's death. He calls the voice mailbox Tasha gave him and says he's going to do some digging. Rich and Patterson convince Zapata that she did the right thing involving Greg. Madeline's thugs capture Greg after his call was monitored. She injects him with ZIP and he doesn't remember her. Keaton and Allie are involved in the group sending the messages to the team. 

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Blindspot Season 5 Episode 7 Quotes

Ivy: I wouldn't underestimate [Allie].
Madeline: Well, don't underestimate me.

I'm telling you to step up. Weller and his team just took out my ZIP.

Ivy [to Madeline]