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Eddie and Jamie pursue a vehicle when they witness it being carjacked. Eddie sees a car seat in the back but can not determine whether a child is in the seat. The driver causes a serious accident during the chase. There was not a child in the vehicle but a father and child in another vehicle are badly injured in the accident. 

Eddie and Jamie are given a one month suspension for pursuing the high speed chase. They decide to fight it but their attorneys want to pit them against one another, so they decide to represent themselves. Jamie points out that the carjacker was already going at a high rate of speed and may have caused the accident regardless. He also points out that they called in the pursuit and were not told to disengage. Jamie and Eddie win their case. 

Frank is upset that a case against one of his detectives is being settled for $220,000, when he feels the detective did nothing wrong. He talks to Kelly Preston, who heads the board that makes the decisions. She points out that the plaintiff wanted $2.2 million if they had gone to court and that this settlement was far less risky. 

Frank has Garrett and Sid look into the case and find that the plaintiff’s attorney does not have a license to practice law. Kelly admits that her office did shoddy work and she and Frank reach an agreement that all cases will be more thoroughly investigated before they offer a settlement. 

Danny and Baez investigate when a 13-year-old heart transplant patient, Emily Bennet, disappears from her home without her medication. She could die if she doesn’t have her medication within 72 hours. 

Turns out the parents went to a loan shark when they couldn’t afford their medical bills and cost for medications. When they couldn’t pay it back, their daughter was kidnapped. Danny has to beat up the loan shark to get him to tell them Emily’s location. She is rescued and taken to a hospital.

Sean wins an essay contest at school but doesn’t want to go to the awards ceremony because he’ll miss his mother too much. Henry pushes Danny to get Sean to go to the ceremony. Former NYC Mayor David Dinkins gives out the award and Sean thanks his entire family, including his mother who pushed him to write the essay, and his father for always being there. 

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Blue Bloods Season 8 Episode 19 Quotes

Eddie: I'm just saying it's kind of boring.
Jamie: Baseball is boring. Seriously?
Eddie: Yeah, the games are like nine hours long. Nothing actually happens.
Jamie: Baseball is a metaphor for life.
Eddie: Yeah, and I'm not going to spend my lunch watching a bunch of grown men in pajamas…

Kelly: It gets resolved the way most disputes do. Nobody gets everything they want.
Frank: Perps do. It's free money.
Kelly: It's nickels on the dollar.
Frank: They're still free nickels.