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-Freddie Delgado is shot and killed. He just got off on a technicality after killing a six year old girl during a robbery.


-Laura Kiser is killed by having acid thrown in her face, the same thing she did to her ex-boyfriend.  She was released from prison early due to overcrowding.


-Loved ones of both Freddie and Laura's victims were seeing grief therapist Trent Marsh. Trent's wife was murdered in their home 10 years ago. Their was never enough evidence to arrest the main suspect, Nathan Jarvis.


-DNA from both Freddie and Laura's murders matches Nathan Jarvis, who went missing a year ago. Megan and the detectives believe Trent killed Nathan but is leaving his DNA at the new crime scenes to cover his tracks. Unfortunately they can't prove it.


-When Megan's mother sells her childhood home, Megan uncovers a box of her fathers effects which include the suicide note Joan hid from investigators. 


-Before Trent becomes a suspect, Megan sees him to talk about her father's suicide.


-Megan asks Tommy to run finger prints and DNA on her father's suicide note. She doesn't believe he wrote it.


-Kate makes an official announcement about running for public office. 

Body of Proof
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Body of Proof Season 3 Episode 5 Quotes

If you expect me to live out my days in a time capsule because of some ancient memories, you're mistaken.


The clicking of those heels can only mean one thing.
