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Jace, an eSports champion, is accused of throwing the championship game. Over $200 million in bets were placed on that game. The team owner, Vin, suspends Jace and two month later, everyone still thinks he’s a cheater and he can’t get a job. 

Jace sues the team owner and his attorney Abigail Walsh butts heads with Jason Bull. During the trial, they have the jurors and the judge play the video game, “Titan Fall” and it makes most of the jurors more sympathetic to Jace, but not Connie. Even when a fellow gamer explains how the team owner makes millions while the players make a very small amount, she still feels angered that anyone gets paid to play video games.  

Euna, one of Jace’s teammates who has a crush on him, is called to the stand. Bull and the team think she is their slam dunk as a character witness but she ends up telling the jury a story about how Jace had a headache that day. It turns out that Jace asked her to tell the story because he thought it would help and instead, the jury saw through it and now they don’t trust Euna or Jace.

Once Connie, the animal lover, sees that Vin carries a rabbit’s foot keychain, she begins to soften towards Jace. Vin offers to take Jace back on the team if he’ll drop the suit. Jace refuses. 

With Cable and her ex-boyfriend, Wes’ help, Bull figures out that Jace has a neurological disorder and that’s what caused him to lose the game. The doctor says it’s Parkinson’s disease. Jace is devastated.  He and Vin come to a deal, where Jace gets a three year contract, a large raise with benefits, and so do his teammate. Vin also must sign a nondisclosure agreement about Jace’s illness. 

Bull and his team also prove that it was another team member who cheated and bet heavily on the competition. Vin fires him and threatens legal action. 



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Bull Season 1 Episode 13 Quotes

You're cute, but I don't date employees.


It appears the mighty are falling.
