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Mack is drunk at the casino when his friend, Pat, the head of security, throws him out. Mack threatens Pat before he leaves. Later, someone shoots and kills Pat on his front porch. 

Mack is arrested for the murder, and calls Bull, who was his college roommate. Bull and Mack ran an undercover poker game as students of the University of Connecticut. When the school found out about the game, Mack took the blame and said that Bull wasn’t involved. Mack was then expelled, but he was going to be kicked out anyway for not attending class for a month.  

Mack says he went home to cool off after Pat kicked him out of the casino, when Pat texted him asking to bury the hatchet. When Mack arrived, Pat was already dead. He called 911. Mack asks Bull to help him even though the murder took place on Native American tribal land and the trial will take place according to tribal law.

Benny and Bull head to the reservation to help defend Mack and meet the Chief who will preside over the case and Mack’s reservation attorney. A tribal trial is different in that the jurors are volunteers, the verdict is rendered by a majority of 13 jurors instead of a unanimous verdict, and the jurors are deciding on whether they believe the defendant is more than likely to be guilty, instead of beyond a reasonable doubt. 

Chunk tries to interview the jury members and finds that most hate Mack because he’s a drunken jerk most of the time. Mack leaves his house in the middle of the night and decides to skip bail, despite the fact that Bull had to put up $100,000 of his own money for said bail. 

Danny finds out that Pat had recently cracked down on a rash of stolen luxury cars from he casino’s parking lot. She deduces that the nearest chop shop that could have been dealing in those cars is owned by Jose Chaviz, who happened to volunteer to be on the jury. 

Bull and Benny get permission from the chief to dig up a new slab of sidewalk that was put in front of Chaviz’s auto body shop and find the gun used to kill Pat. Mack is set free and Chaviz is arrested. Mack decides to try his luck at the riverboat casinos on the Mississippi.

Marissa introduces Bull to her new boyfriend, Kyle. Marissa says they met when he left his wallet behind at a bar and she delivered it to his apartment. Kyle is clingy and Bull can’t stand him, but puts on a happy face for Marissa’s sake. 



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Bull Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

Benny: Two days. That's all we’ve got to prepare?
Bull: I guess we're not in Kansas anymore.

Benny: So this is the courthouse, huh?
Bull: And the meeting place, and the basketball court, and I think they have school dances here too.
Benny: I'll try not to be intimidated.