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At a gas station, a man puts a spell on a woman, Julie, and she runs over her boyfriend, Jason.

Maggie can't decide on a research topic for her internship application.

Harry finds a symbol in Norway that looks like the Chupa-Alma.

Mel shows Macy, Maggie, and Harry a video on a social media app of Julie running over her boyfriend.

Macy learns she inherited Safe Space from Julian.

Harry and Jordan go to Norway to decipher the tablet.

Mel meets with Dean Eldon, who scolds her for adding a book to her class' syllabus. The dean gives her a new book for her to use. It's a book she wrote about transgender studies.

Maggie sees new videos posted on the app of people hurting their loved ones and shows them to Mel. They are all mumbling "Mepte Ama."

Harry and Jordan find the symbols from the tablet. Harry accidentally triggers booby traps with ancient darts, forcing him and Jordan to orb away.

Macy and Maggie go to the gas station to track Julie. Maggie has a vision, and they find Julie in a trance in the woods. They take her back to the Command Center.

Maggie plays her study playlist, and Julie starts moving to the music and mimicking Maggie's moves. Maggie uses her powers to connect with her and free her of her trance.

The sisters tell Julie they're archeologists who study supernatural anomalies. They find out the man who put a spell on her is named Omon. He wanted Julie to prove her love for him.

Harry tells the sisters that Omon is a myth that predates civilization. He is what Narcissus is based on. Mel remembers Narcissus was killed with the yew tree.

Omon shows up at Safe Space. He puts Macy into a trance and wants her to sacrifice her sisters. Macy overpowers him, though.

The Charmed Ones use a potion they made from a yew tree to vanquish Omon. He leaves a symbol behind, the same one as the Chulpa-Alma's.

Mel convinces the dean to let her continue teaching the book she wants to teach.

Maggie decides on a research topic.

Harry wipes Julie's memories and returns her to Jason.

Charmed (2018)
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Charmed (2018) Season 3 Episode 5 Quotes

Are you sure you want to come along? Even though this site was abandoned centuries ago, there is always some degree of danger, not to mention the reindeer dung.


You just gotta do you. Yeah, Macy loves you for you. Windsor knots and all.
