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The entire family seemed to be in turmoil on Chesapeake Shores Season 3 Episode 10. Most of the O'Brien family is still reeling from the family meeting. The wounds from Megan leaving when the kids were young obviously still haven't healed, even after all these years. Even though things have seemed better since Megan returned, Bree's book seems to have brought everything back to the surface again. But this time around things aren't looking as easy to fix. Especially now that the kids have their lives and futures to think about. Kevin has made the decision to be with Sarah because he can't stand being without her. While this does mean his leaving the family home for a majority of the time, he seems to have made his choice and doesn't regret it. But Sarah may be making a life-altering decision of her own. The only one that seems to be having an issue with making a decision is Trace. While he doesn't want to leave Abby and the girls, he really wants to follow his dream and go on tour with the rest of his band. But when Abby encourages him to follow that dream even when she can't keep waiting for him at home, Trace may just have a change of heart about his future and what he's willing to give up. 

Chesapeake Shores
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Chesapeake Shores Season 3 Episode 10 Quotes

Abby: Bree, it's not that bad.
Bree: Really? Um, a fictional novel broke our family, and now a fictional character is about to break the rest of my life.
Jess: Caroline is planning on ruining your life?
Bree: She might, yeah. I mean, based on how last night went.
Jess: Well, she might be too late.
Bree: Oh, thanks.

Megan: Hey, I'm glad that you're getting along with your dad.
Connor: Yeah, well. It's news to me.
Megan: Connor. Con. I'm sorry. For everything.
Connor: Thank you for saying that.