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Robin and Connor continue the struggle to regain the footing of their relationship after her illness, but her impulsivity hasn't faded like she's led Connor to believe. She's just redirected it from jumping his bones towards shoplifting. 

Noah loses his first patient in a completely unexpected way. All of the MRI's ran on the teen checked out, and he only seemed to have had a dislocated hip, but when Noah takes him to visit another patient, he collapses. Noah had told the boy's mother and brother that he would be fine, and the brother's shock and misplaced guilt leads him to attack Noah. Noah needs some stitches but doesn't want to press charges, much to Sarah's surprise. She's already shaken up from having her car broken into, and goes off on Maggie about there not being security present when death notifications are made. Daniel is worried about her state of mind, but she brushes his worries aside. After work, she goes to the gun store and is less than happy to find out that it will take months for her to get a weapon. 

Will starts suffering the same symptoms as a young patient, and Nat can't figure out what's wrong with either of them. Neither can Sam Abrams or anybody else on the hospital staff. It's not until the girl starts to spontaneously recover that Nat reviews Will's MRI again and begins to suspect a toxin from a tick has been causing the trouble. 

April decides to out her relationship with Ethan after watching her patient struggle with the decision to be tested for HIV out of fear of rejection from her family. Unfortunately for Ethan, this means he has to go to Doris' birthday party. Sharon is the one that finally convinces the patient to accede to the test by sharing files of her AIDS patients from the start of the epidemic in the 80s. Stohl acts like a heartless jackass by complaining about the cost of treating the patient and expressing a desire to "turf" her back to another hospital where she had been treated previously. Sharon has to give Ethan a refresher course in HIPPA to stop him from sharing the probable diagnosis with the woman's aunt against her wishes. 

Chicago Med
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Chicago Med Season 3 Episode 5 Quotes

Stohl: Wait a minute, she won't consent to being tested because she'd rather *die* than have her family find out she has AIDS, and you're saying she's capable of making rationale decisions.
Daniel: Just because you don't like the decision she's making doesn't mean she's incapable of making it.

When did ED doctors get so polite with each other? You two dating or something? [Will looks down] Never mind.

Dr. Abrams