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Dr. Charles is found in the parking lot and treated by Connor. He heads back to work earlier than recommended, and his decision to testify in defense of his shooter concerns Sharon and Sarah. Sarah ends up testifying for the prosecution, much to his displeasure, and the shooter is sent to prison. 

Three months after the shooting, Robin is released from the hospital. Connor is concerned that her amorous advances are only side effects of her disease and treatment, and she does experience some of the other side effects Sarah mentioned to them at discharge. Connor's concern makes her worry that he thinks she doesn't really love him. 

At work, Connor contends with a new fellow of Dr. Latham's who manipulates the attending through his Aspberger's, and plays dirty to get the best surgeries. Connor clearly doesn't like her, but Latham makes his allegiance clear by giving a difficult and prestigious procedure to Connor after Ava snakes another from him. Latham doesn't understand his own motivations for rewarding Connor in that manner.

Ethan and April are trying to keep their relationship, but bitchy Doris seems to be on to them. As they treat a teenage boy with a subdural abscess caused by poor dental care, Doris complains about being assigned all the dirty work and April tries to explain to Choi why she doesn't want anybody to know about them.

Natalie and Will treat a couple who were in a car accident. The wife is distraught because the last thing she said to her husband was that she never loved him. He dies before she can take it back. Her regret prompts Will to admit his feelings, and then Natalie admits hers.

Maggie is concerned about a patient who doesn't have a safe place to return to after he's discharged. She tries to keep him at the hospital, but Stohl objects. When she's arguing with the ambulance driver, Stohl steps up and finds a way to admit the boy.

Chicago Med
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Chicago Med Season 3 Episode 1 Quotes

Sarah: I want to be there when Dr. Charles testifies.
Noah: Right, right. I get it. Moral support.
Sarah: Yeah. He's the reason I went into psychiatry. Dr. Charles taught me everything I know.
Noah: It's kind of like your dad getting shot.

Stohl: You know, nothing's been done to improve security. We need a police presence here, inside and outside the ED.
Maggie: I'm all for cops, Dr. Stohl, but the people you most need to worry about aren't afraid of guns.