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Archer goes to see Sean all worried. Sean tells him he is getting out.

Sharon and Daniel catch up. Sharon hopes she didn't jinx herself by saying the supply chain issues are better.

Will has an idea for Maggie's next game night and has no idea that she and Ben are separated.

Lieu teaches Hannah how to rock climb. She falls. His friend Omar keeps ringing a bell and is not clipped in. He falls when Lieu tries to help him and is seriously injured. Asher calls 911.

Omar is brought in. Lieu tells Marcel this is his gym buddy. Marcel says he smells alcohol. Lieu agrees that Omar was likely inebriated. He sees the injury on Lieu's hands. Asher is called to see a patient.

A patient has been crying since she signed in and is shaking. She claims to be in a lo of pain from endiometriosis. The pain is debilitating even though she's a yoga teacher. Asher helps her up.

Marcel says there are no serious injuries. Lieu says Omar was not drunk-- BAC of .04 -- so what happened? Omar doesn't remember the accident or know why he is here. He seems to not remember what he is told two seconds later, including the fact that Lieu was here. Lieu says that Omar was engaging in repetitive behavior on the wall too.

The patient wants pain meds and her symptoms are not consistent with endometriosis.

Will is called in on a new patient who has stomach pains and says this is all unnecessary. He has sharp pain on one side of his stomach. He begs Maggie to let him go. They find a bullet in the x-ray. He doesn't want to tell them what happened.

Will finds out that the patient won't tell Maggie what happened. The patient wants to leave since he doesn't need surgery. Will tells him by law they have to report the gunshot wound to the police. Maggie encourages him to talk to her.

Asher approaches Archer. She says the AI has flagged Jodi as an addict. She says she doesn't get that vibe from her and wants Archer to override the AI.

Maggie is staring into space. Two cops show up and say a clerk was killed in a robbery recently. They think Aaron is the shooter. Maggie is annoyed that the cops assume Aaron is the shooter. She feels they have already made up their minds.

Omar freaks out about his memory loss. Lieu tells Charles what he knows of Omar.

Archer gives Jodi an exam. He wants to run tests, including an endoscopy. No pain meds beforehand. Jodi says she gets it. He thinks Jodi is high and he thinks she is planning to escape before the social workers get here. Asher feels stupid about believing Jodi.

Maggie says Aaron is not talking to the detective. Aaron crashes and has a bleed.

Marcel and Will explains the bullet has moved and is causing a bleed. The safest thing to do is surgery. Aaron refuses surgery. He says the cops will take the bullet and use it against him. He says he was in the store at the time of the robbery but wasn't involved. He got hit in the crossfire. Will doesn't understand why Aaron didn't say something to them. Maggie says trust goes both ways. Aaron says he was bounced from foster home to foster home and he knew he'd get blamed no matter what. He's seen innocent people go to jail before so he will take his chances. No surgery.

Jodi is seizing. The nurse claims she was watching and Jodi did not take anything. She does not have any signs of withdrawal. Archer says they need to run tests for real.

Omar has low B1 which suggests an eating disorder -- common in the rock climbing community. Replacing the nutrients will solve the memoy issue.

Atwater comes to talk to Will and  Maggie. The security video is inconclusive but the manager says that Aaron is a regular customer that he likes. Atwater says he doesn't think Aaron is guilty but the DA may think otherwise.

Jodi has a tumor -- a rare lung cancer that is causing all her symptoms. She seems out of it and Asher tells Archer she doesn't think this informed consent.

Omar does well with his memory tests. His memory is coming back. He's sorry he is putting Lieu through this. Lieu wants to talk to him about his eating habits. Omar said he drank two pints of beer a day because he read that would help his headaches during COVID. He then got a beer belly and exercised a lot and dieted. He was doing vegetarian and keto. Omar is still getting headaches. Charles tells him to follow his finger with just his eyes. He can't do it and freaks out. Charles orders an MRI and tells him to keep his eyes closed.

The detectives say they have matched blood on the floor that links Aaron to the crime scene. He has a warrant for the bullet. He says Aaron has a fake ID and is a minor. He has his DCFS paperwork so the state can compel surgery and demand the bullet.

Lieu and Charles look at the MRI. There is a small tumor and brain bleed. Lieu realizes the bleed happened today. Charles says they need a neurosurgeon.

Cuevas says that Jodi is slow but competent to consent. Asher is upset that the AI flagged Jodi as a drug seeker.

Sharon asks if they can operate without removing the bullet. Marcel thinks he can work around the bullet.

Asher and Peter argue about the AI. Sharon says Asher's problem is with this program and she agrees with her. The parent company won't share data with her about how the program works.  She is going to petition the board to remove the program. Peter says Jack will not be happy. Sharon doesn't care.

Marcel uses OR 2.0 to do the surgery. He places a stent without removing the bullet.

Omar is better after treatment and is embarrassed. He has all sorts of plans for self-improvement. Lieu tells him to get better first.

Archer is glad that Asher stood up to the board. She says that she is red-flagged too. It doesn't matter how long she has been sober.

Will thanks Marcel and Duvery for their help.

Archer comes to see Daniel. He heard he has a bottle in his desk drawer. He tells him Sean is being paroled. He hopes Sean will get a fair shot. After all we are all data points these days. He is worried that AI will flag Sean because of his past and he will not be able to move forward.

Will finds Maggie and tells her that PD arrested someone else. Aaron almost lost everything. He asks if Maggie is okay. She tells him that she and Ben are separated and she doesn't know if they will make it.

Archer meets Sean when he is released. Sean says he wants to do school and a job and do everything right. Will Archer help him? Archer hugs him.


Chicago Med
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Chicago Med Season 8 Episode 11 Quotes

Archer: So what's next? You gonna go back to school or get a job?
Sean: Right now I'm just focused on getting through tomorrow.

Archer: Is something wrong? Did something happen? All of a sudden I'm getting all these calls.
Sean: Dad, take a breath.
Archer: What's up?
Sean: I'm getting out.