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Chuck begins having nightmares from the Intersect and he believes they're predicting the future for him.  When no one believes him, he and Morgan take things into their own hands and head to the opera where Chuck believes the President of Zamibia is in danger from a doctor.  Chuck flashes on the guy's tooth, believing it to have secret Ring data, and knocks it out.

After knocking out the guy's tooth, the CIA has Chuck committed with Christopher Lloyd guest starring as his shrink.  Chuck tries to prove he's still sane by having Sarah and Casey analyze the tooth, but they find out it's just a regular, human tooth.  Soon, the doctor shows up at the looney bin and wants to know how he knew about the tooth... and why he took the wrong one.  They drug him, rendering the Intersect useless, but luckily Sarah and Casey come to save him.

Meanwhile, the doctor from Doctors Without Borders comes to the States and tells Ellie he's with the CIA and that her father is in danger.  He convinces Ellie to get in contact with Stephen Bartowski.

Also, Anna returns but Morgan rejects her because if a woman only wants what she can't have, she's not the right woman for him.

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Chuck Season 3 Episode 16 Quotes

I've had malaria maybe four or five times. Those meds aren't gonna help, what he needs is African snake herb.


You're leaving me with home appliances? It's filled with lumpy housewives... my favorite.
