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Max's mood suddenly shifts when Ariel brings up attending her school dance, and she's confused and hurt by his change in attitude. Mario is able to give her some insight, but it's Jesse who gets Max to open up to her about why he really doesn't want to attend. The two reach a better understanding of each other. 

Mario admits that he's in love with Noa and asks her to move in with him after her pipes burst and destroy her place. She's not ready for the move, but also confesses her love for him. One thing she doesn't confess? Her inability to have children, which she reveals to Leanne while treating a teen girl whose mother talked her into giving up her baby and now faces a hysterectomy due to complications from the birth. Because of her insistence, Campbell takes the extra step and is able to save the girl's uterus. 

Tensions continue to grow between Mario and Angus. This time it's due to Diego's interference and Campbell's influence -- Mario thinks his friend is emulating his mentor in all the wrong ways and Angus resents Diego's undermining of him to Campbell. 

Rox struggles with a case that involves her high school dance coach. She still feels guilty for letting the woman down years ago and has trouble opening up to Ethan about it. She's eventually able to reconcile with her old coach and with Ethan and joins the girls in a dance routine after offering advice to the girl who was pushing herself too far in order to obtain a dance scholarship so she could escape the limits of her background. 


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Code Black Season 3 Episode 7 Quotes

Dancer: You think you're strong enough to lift me in the air?
Elliot: Uh, uh, I don't know.
Dancer 2: He's strong enough. He's Hercules. [other girls mummer in agreement and start chanting Hercules!]
Jesse: Excuse me! Excuse me! [pause] It's *Dr.* Hercules, ladies.

Colonel Willis [to Elliot]: If you were my soldier, I'd make you drop and give me fifty. In fact, drop and give me fifty!
Ethan: Don't have to do that.
Colonel Willis: You don't *have* to do anything but pay taxes and die. But can you?