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-Bobby decides to treat a badly burned patient. Commander Royal believes the burn victim will ultimately die and Bobby's decision is based on trying to maintain the hospitals record of 14 days without a fatality. 

-Rebecca backs Bobby's choice but the nursing staff is furious. They believe that it's unfair to require such exhaustive care for a patient who will only suffer and die.

-In the end, Bobby's patient dies and he doubts his decision. Col. Marks tells Bobby he believes he's too good of a doctor to have been swayed by a record. He also reminds Rebecca and Royal that it's important for the doctors and nurses to work as a team.

-Pedersen treats a Pfc Mavers who can't stop himself from masturbating. He keeps his hands bandaged to stop himself. Pedersen believes it's an outlet for stress and anxiety.

-She has Pfc Mavers help with the burn victim. After 24 hours of watching the doctors try and save her life and then watching her die, he no longer needs the bandages.

Combat Hospital
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Combat Hospital Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

For 90 days we're going to torture her with advanced care and on day 91 she's going to die.


Is it just me, or am I just super good at this and you guys are just painfully slow.
