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Luly tries to get her article taken down but it has already been sent to print.

The Perrys prepare for a hurricane. Robin and the kids head to Oliver's to ride it out.

Cowboy is missing and they leave him behind.

Oliver tries to talk to Sage about the baby and she starts to cry.

Larry helps Margot secure the restaurant.

Larry calls his daughter to warn her about the storm. He helps Luly secure her house.

Anthony decides to head home from Vegas after seeing the storm on the news.

JJ tells Theo that he thinks Cowboy's in the basement of their home. Theo heads home to resuce him. 

Sage tells Robin how scared she is.

Robin takes Oliver's car to go after Theo.

Luly and Larry visit his daughter. Luly offers her a place to stay.

Sage tries to leave but Oliver stops her. 

The power goes out at Oliver's.

Theo rescues Cowboy, but injures himself and gets stuck in the flooding basement. 

Sage goes into labor.

Robin helps Theo get free. Robin and Theo argue and she tells him what Anthony lied about.

Larry and Luly have the neighborhood over for dinner with his daughter. They ride out the storm together. Ivy calls Larry her grandpa.

Sarah tells Luly how she cut off contact with Larry after Ivy was born.

Larry overhears Sarah say her life is better without him.

Sage tells Oliver about her disease.

Charlotte and JJ read Luly's letter in the paper.

Robin and Theo are stuck in their car with a tree blocking their path. Anthony arrives and offers them a ride.

Council of Dads
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