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STRENGTH AND WEAKNESS -- The Legends are still reeling from the news that their time travel-nemesis is a speedster when they are alerted to an Aberration in the Old West. When the Legends arrive they find their old friend Jonah Hex (guest star Jonathon Schaech) in trouble with his arch-nemesis, Quentin Turnbull (guest star Jeff Fahey). The team soon discovers that they need to stop Turnbull and his gang from conquering the West and branding it his own lawless territory. To Hex's surprise, Sara (Caity Lotz) is in charge and dispatches the team. Rory (Dominic Purcell) is ecstatic to be in the Wild West, but Sara makes Amaya (Maisie Richardson-Sellers) work with him to keep him on task, which is easier said than done. Meanwhile, Nate (Nick Zano), Ray (Brandon Routh) and Jax (Franz Drameh) try to infiltrate Turnball's gang, but find themselves in a shootout leaving Nate's confidence shaken.

Jeff Fahey shoots someone. Bad news.

Nobody knows why Damien Darhk would want the amulet.

The Firestorm duo is still keeping the secret. Stein is an ass, telling Jax Barry implored THEM not to tell anyone anything, which is in itself a lie.

Liberty, CO, 1874. Time aberration.

I love that Mick sits around the Waverider drinking a beer.

There's a competition between Ray and Nate. Nate's getting a little too into the superhero thing, jumping into the whole thing before thinking.

He even got Jonah hanged while he was playing with bullets.

They head back down to town. 

Nobody wants to deal with Mick during this episode. Amaya keeps saying she's drawing the short straw watching him drink.

Mr. Tunball is someone who does something. Taxes. His own country.

Oh! Sara wanted Mick to get into a fight. It worked. With Turnbull. Turnball. Whatever.

The guys down in town are being goofs.

Stein is making Gideon run a bunch of tests on his brain.

Ray found dwarfstar. So he can can make his suit. It's like the size of a horse's ass and the densest material in the universe.

Mr. Turnball and Mick are like the bestest besties ever. Total plan backfire.

Jonah wants to stick to a plan and get his bounty. Jonah says his guy on the inside isn't stickin' to a plan. But did Mick even know he was carrying out a plan?

Ooooh. Finally. So the little dude at the beginning talked about the ore. Turnball/bull knows the or has special qualities. Jonah wants to take that dude in for some reason. the reason for the aberration is digging up dwarfstar. 

Turnbull shoots at Mick, Nate steps in front of him and for some reason his man of steel shtick doesn't work.

Turnball set every man women and child on fire in Calvert. That's how Jonah got his scars. Sara understands. She has a Turnbull.

Finally had to look it up. Turnbull.

Anyway. Amaya tries to get Mick to open up. He does. Everyone keeps him on a leash and he knows he's not really part of the team.

Ray tries to inspire Nate. It works and they realize what's up with all the dwarf star.

It's kind of all up to Nate to do the hard work while Stein is suffering from some sort of depression and Ray has no suit. But his enthusiasm is infectious.

Part of western gear is carrying your full flask.

Mick is staring at his lighter flame. She agrees it's beautiful, but it's also destructive. He wonders what her point is. She wants him to be the animal, but not let it control him. She can help him.

Jax has a theory for Stein. Something he did the last time he saw his younger self screwed up his timeline. Now Stein is in love with an Asian woman. 

Ray gave a groovy new suit to Nate, but didn't do anything with his own suit.

No more time. The crossover is about to begin!

DC's Legends of Tomorrow
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DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes

Turnbull: I'd say your luck has run out, partner.
Mick: You just gonna stand there and make threats, or are you gonna back it up?

Amaya: You're cheating.
Mick: I'm winning.