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Six months ago:

We're finally seeing what happened to Rip. And I still don't know.

Nate is jamming while trying to figure out why the Legion of Doom (from a Hanna Barbara cartoon) wants the amulets, which Amaya realizes are two pieces of one thing.

The Doomsters are making changes to reality. They're permanent.

Malcolm and Darhk are tired of walking, so they steal a couple motorcycles.

Rip is making his thesis film in 1967 about himself when Darhk and Malcolm and the Legends happen upon him at the same moment. Um, no.

Watching Rip slap Jax with a rolled up script is worth the price of admission.

He's then arrested and screams like a hyena.

The legends realize Rip has the Spear of Destiny since the Doomer are after him.

Mick is scarfing pizza and beer while pouring out his mommy issues to Stein in relation to Snart when Sara asks him to act as a therapist to break Phil Gasmer out of jail.

Sara tries to kill Darhk and Merlyn with evil eyes.

George Lucas quits making movies and that means Ray and Nate never do what they were supposed to.

Ray and Nate chat with Glucas about making movies and how important it is to continue to his inspirational future.

Mick has some sort of receiver in his head that is making him see Snart. Well that's a relief.

Rip goes the way of the Doomed. The Legends can't do much about it, so they have movie night.

Rip's entertainment is torture.

DC's Legends of Tomorrow
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DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes

Amaya: Well, what do they want with the spear?
Nate: This spear allegedly has the power to rewrite reality.
Ray: How's that different than from us traveling through time making changes to history?
Nate: Changes to history cause time quakes and aberrations, which we can undo. Changes to reality, however; those are permanent.

Mick: I've got an idea.
Stein: So, this would be a new milestone then?