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Hannah gives Kirkman information about MacLeish and the bombing.

She tells him about her accident on the way to meet with Hookstraten.

Alex comes in during discussion and Hannah refuses to continue to talk. Mike backs Hannah up.

Hannah is going to work on a plan to get MacLeish. 

MacLeish is going to hold a press conference. Aaron and Emily aren't happy.

The FBI Director is going to be the new Attorney General.

MacLeish is holding a press conference to talk about Kirkman. Kirkman is watching it.

Alex tells Tom about what Emily found out about Aaron.

Hannah meets with Atwood to try to find out about the mystery woman. He also learns that his son is still missing.

Emily tells Kirkman information about Aaron.

Aaron meets with Hookstraten. She wants to meet with the president.

Hannah is meeting with the director to talk about the plan.

MacLeish meets with Tom to tell him about his decision regarding the shoot to kill order.

MacLeish and Beth are talking about things that might be coming up and planning their next steps.

Kirkman and Mike talk about MacLeish and how they'll get MacLeish.

Aaron meets with Kirkman about why he had Emily do background checks. He lies. Aaron tells him about Hookstraten wanting to meet with him.

hannah and the director continue their investigation.

Kirkman has a nightmare about the shooting and the bombing.

When he wakes up his kids are there by his side. Alex comes in. 

Emily is playing the piano and Aaron comes in to listen. They apologize and talk.. There's still something there between them. Hannah goes into a bike garage to question a guy about MacLeish. He was on the Afghan mission with him. 

Kirkman wants to leave the hospital and is talking to the doctor about leaving. She doesn't want him to leave, but he's insisting. Alex wants to know what's going on with MacLeish. He's getting ready to leave.

MacLeish is on his way back to the White House when he sees something on a mailbox that bothers him. Is it a sign of something? When he gets back to his office he pulls out a hidden phone and makes a phone call to a guy about Hannah visiting the guy about the mission. He's going to meet with the guy.

Hoostraten questions Aaron about the shooting of Catalan. She's not happy about it. She's very suspicious of MacLeish and she blabs that Kirkman wants him to keep her in the loop. She threatens him and he spills the beans about what MacLeish did.

Kirkman and Mike talk details about MacLeish. MacLeish talks with Beth about Jayner. She wants him dead and he doesn't want anything to do with it.

Luke is found dead. The director came to take him out of prison to identify the body.

MacLeish is getting ready to visit Jaynor.

Emily and Seth talk about Aaron and other things going on.

The mystery lady wants to see Hannah and learns she was released. She texts Beth and Beth tries to get a hold of Peter to tell him its setup, but she can't.

MacLeish shows up at the cemetery to meet with Jaynor to talk. 

Beth is on her way to the cemetery.  Hannah is watching Jaynor. He's wired. When Hannah gets the information she needs and confronts MacLeish, Jaynor attacks Hannah to let MacLeish get away. 

Beth shows up and kills Peter then kills herself. 

Kirkman leaves the hospital. Mike comes to talk with Kirkman and he leaves Alex to do so. She's not happy.







Designated Survivor
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Designated Survivor Season 1 Episode 12 Quotes

Kirkman: I feel so stupid.
Mike: He fooled everyone, sir.
Kirkman: Not her. She saw through him right from the beginning.

Sir. You need to tighten your circle.
