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Fallon's business deal is on the ice when a publication threatens to leak footage of her cheating of husband Liam with Culhane. 

Instead of cooling off her relationship with Culhane, she decides to throw a divorce party for her and Liam to appease the shareholders. 

Liam agrees though he keeps hinting that all the attention to detail may be her way of overcompensating for the fake marriage. 

Culhane is in too deep with Ada Stone and looks to Keith, the man he set up last week, and Colby for a way out. 

Colby suggests he take over hosting the illegal poker game to lure in Ada. If she wants in, she's bound to show up and then they can get incriminating evidence on her. 

With both events happening at the same time, Culhane keeps being pulled in two different directions. 

His off-putting behavior towards Fallon paired with a mysterious call from a "friendly" woman we know was Stone sends Fallon into a spiral. 

Thinking that Culhane is cheating, she gets really drunk at the party. 

During the "untying" ceremony, Liam professes his love to Fallon and tells her he'll never stop fighting for her. 

Then, he lists out several things he loves about her. 

Once Sammy cuts through the ropes binding them together, Fallon lunges for the "last kiss" she previously told Liam wasn't going to happen. 

The crowd gasps as the chemistry between them is electric. 

When she realizes what she's done, Fallon runs off only to be followed by Liam who encourages her to follow her heart and questions why Culhane isn't here. 

Fallon throws herself at Liam but eventually pumps the breaks when she sees Culhane getting super close with Ada Stone on the camera. 

Meanwhile, Keith betrayed Culhane and Colby and stole all the incriminating footage they had on Ada. 

You can't out-gangster the top gangster. 

Ada makes sure Colby is aware that he is now also working for her and owes her 40% of the profits from each poker game.

They lose. 

Back at the mansion, Sammy is having a hard time adjusting to life without Steven, who is off finding himself in Paraguay. 

The new Cristal suggests he call up her psychic Adriana to get a reading. Apparently, she's never wrong. 

Sammy does one better and flies Adriana to the mansion so that she can read everyone's fates. 

She warns Fallon of the upcoming betrayal, she tells Blake he'll move on from his loss, she warns Alexis of a dangerous hooded figure that's a threat to all the Carringtons, and she tells Sammy there is "growth and new life" in his cards.

Sammy takes what she says to mean that he and Steven should have a baby so he puts up an ad for a surrogate. 

With a $5 million dollar payout, the line stretches of eager individuals stretches out the door. As Sammy and Anders vet each one, they realize that finding a "sane" person isn't going to be easy. 

Later, it dawns on Sammy that maybe the perfect surrogate is Anders' daughter Kirby, who is also Steven's half-sister. 

Fake Hank is spotted trying to sell the Rembrandt that Alexis gave since she hasn't given him back his money. 

Together with his lawyer, Blake sets Hank up to get arrested when he returns to sell the piece. 

However, Alexis knows that she'll get caught if Hank gets caught so she goes in his place instead. 

Instead of having a full-on screaming match with her, Blake takes the high road as the new Cristal taught him. 

Back at the mansion, Cristal confesses she lost her job and has nowhere else to go. 

Blake tells her he already knew, however, he knows destiny when he sees it. The two kiss as Alexis looks on. 

Later, it's revealed that Blake bought Cristal's company and shut it down to ensure she stays around. 

Alexis heads back to the psychic who warns her that an "old friend" will return whom she cares about very much but he'll "expire."

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