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It's two weeks later and Kirby is in the hospital.

As she gets out, Fallon and Sam tell her the truth about her father's death.

She acts unfazed and asks for a modeling job, something Fallon bends over backward to make happen.

At the shoot, Kirby flips out because her water is missing. Fallon finds it and realizes there's vodka in the bottle.

Kirby falls and realizes she needs help.

Sam tells Fallon she also needs help, but she denies it, and winds up crying after reading the letter from Anders.

Fallon and Kirby visit the grave and speak about something from the past.

Kirby agrees to go to rehab.

Dominique takes matters into her own hands to get her fashion brand out there, and it pays off.

Jeff finds himself questioning whether he could make it space and speaks out because, as a black man, he feels like that's something that needs to happen.

Blake's deal implodes and he goes out to get answers and realizes he can no longer work well without Anders.

Adam fires some dude from the hospital and steals his research by saying the hospital owns it.

It's tough because he only did it to keep his own job.



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Dynasty Season 4 Episode 14 Quotes

It helps rest my overworked brain. Don't judge.


Kirby: Get that thought out of your head. He loved you, and he would save you again, no matter the outcome.
Fallon: Thank you. Now get dressed, we have to go somewhere.