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Fallon wants to return to work, but the board do not want her back any time soon.

She's put on administrative leave, so she has Liam as her proxy, and hides in the vents to feed him lines.

She falls through the ceiling and the board members plan a vote to kick her out.

She ultimately gives control to Jeff, who has been struggling since the shooting.

Beto kidnaps Cristal and replaces her with the fake one.

Amanda finds the footage on the drone with the help of Dex, and it exonerates Alexis.

Alexis uses the footage to get control of Adam's company as payback, and it causes a bigger power struggle between Amanda and Adam.

Blake doesn't bat an eyelid at the new Alexis, thinking she's the real deal.

Culhane is struggling to move on and wants assistance in finding a new woman, but there's more at stake than he first realized.

Everyone irritates him, so he believes there to be more to life than searching for love.

Adam and Kirby try to help him with his new person.



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Dynasty Season 5 Episode 3 Quotes

Blake: Where's your ring?
Cristal: Oh, I must have left it at the manicurist. I'll call and have them put it aside.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a date ... in your bedroom.

Faux Cristal