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Cookie is surprised when Angelo arrives at her apartment and romances her. Lucious is furious that Jamal still won't perform.

Nessa invites Andre to the annual memorial for her brother Stone. Shyne storms in and accuses the Lyon family of playing him by promising him Freda Gatz for his new imprint, as Freda refuses to record for Empire ever again.

D-Major and Philip argue about Jamal's drug use; Philip thinks it's a serious problem, but D-Major insists that everyone in the industry is using. Jamal shows Cookie the visual album he has been preparing using old home movies. Cookie gets upset when videos of her father appear.

Angelo's mother, Diana, makes a grand entrance at Angelo's mayoral fundraiser. However, she's offended that Cookie hasn't showed up yet to meet her. Jamal and Philip visit Carol to ask her why Cookie freaked out over the videos, but Carol doesn't want to tell them.

When Cookie finally shows up at Angelo's fundraiser, he chews her out for disrespecting his mother. Cookie explains that Jamal showed her videos of her father and it dredged up bad memories of when her father kicked her out of the house for dating Lucious instead of a nice guy like Angelo. Cookie begs Angelo to let her make it up to Diana by hosting a big family dinner.

Cookie tells Jamal that her father died of a heart attack three days after he kicked her out of the house, and Candace blamed the stress of Cookie dating Lucious for his death.

Cookie asks Candace to teach her how to interact with an old-fashioned society woman like Diana. They're interrupted by Lucious, who says he's throwing a party in the same restaurant that Cookie was planning on having the dinner. Candace tells her she should just have the dinner in her apartment.

Lucious tells Hakeem he's going to have to watch Bella that night while he goes to his party, even though Hakeem is supposed to be at Cookie's family dinner. Hakeem is anxious about being left all alone with his baby daughter.

Cookie and Candace supervise a makeover of Cookie's apartment for the dinner. As Cookie prepares, she remembers all of the pressure her father put on her to make something of herself. 

Jamal shows up at the big dinner wearing sunglasses to hide the fact that he's high on his new meds, but he can't trick Cookie. Angelo and Diana arrive shortly afterward and Diana immediately guesses that Cookie redecorated her apartment for the occasion. Hakeem storms in with crying Bella in his arms and thrusts her at Cookie. 

Anika and Lucious show up at Cookie's apartment to look for Bella. Lucious details the family's entire sordid history for Diana and wonders out loud where Andre is. Andre tracks down Freda Gatz and brings her to the memorial so she can talk to Shyne. Nessa steps up to the microphone to sing, and Andre stays to listen

Cookie stops pretending and tells Diana that this is her family, take it or leave it. Jamal sits down at the piano to sing a song about Cookie. Lucious ducks out during the song.

Diana tells Cookie that the Lyons remind her of her own family before they shed their old ways. However, she warns Cookie that she better not drag Angelo into any dirty business. 

At the memorial, Freda steps up to the microphone at the memorial to rap a verse of her own. Nessa joins her on the chorus while Andre and Shyne watch.

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Empire Season 3 Episode 7 Quotes

That's why all roads lead to Lucious. For Carol, for Candace, for all of us.

Cookie [to Jamal]

You can talk to me. If you love me, you ain't got to lie to me.

Jamal [to Cookie]