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Momentum is not being lost for the team as they deal with a young girl poisoning a deli full of people. But it doesn't take Maggie and OA long to discover that the reason the girl, Caroline, did it was because she had gotten in with a terrorist group. Caroline and her friend Tara believed that they could find a better life in the Middle East and as the wives of members of ISIS. High school is nothing but a place for Caroline and Tara to feel tortured and scared to be themselves so they see the way women live in the Middle East as an escape. So Maggie and OA have to show Tara how wrong she is about not only herself but about the kind of life that would await her if she did take off with a man she met on a terrorist site. But bigger problems come into play when the team not only realizes that Tara has given her picture to the terrorist, but that another attack is already in motion. Their time to stop it is running dangerously low and using Tara as bait seems to be the only way to stop it. On top of that, OA and Maggie have to deal with expert profiler Dana Mosier as the new special agent in charge.

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FBI Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

OA: The name of the site is Dark Jihad.
Maggie: Jihad?
OA: Caroline was not working with amateurs, she was working with ISIS.

Maggie: I remember being a teenager. You know, I understand wanting to do something because a boy is giving you attention or you want to belong. I cannot understand why those girls would be attracted to ISIS.
OA: Sure, but you probably had good grades and friends and made the track team and had a good relationship with your father.
Maggie: I understand vulnerability. You don't have to mansplain the female teenage brain to me.
OA: Okay, fair enough. My point is, when I was undercover, I saw my faith weaponized all the time.